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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 22, 2019
Are there any apps that I can run to help check in my logic board and/or SSD are in good condition?

A few weeks ago my MBP would freeze occasionally, especially when watching video in Safari. It would also sometimes start up showing my user image but no password field until I rebooted it again. Also, I had the occasional kernel panic. And, oddly, files I'd "locked" (by going to the Info window of the file) had their locks removed.

I took it to an Apple Store and they said it's probably the logic board, but there is no way to tell without swapping it out.

However, now my MBP hasn't had a single problem in over two weeks! It's running as good as new, yet I've done nothing to it.

I'm just wondering if there is user-friendly software than could help check the state of my logic board or SSD to see if they have problems (Disk Utility says everything is OK).
Have you run Apple Diagnostics? It's available on bootup, though I think it's limited to something like 2013 machines and later. But double-check that, I'm not certain.
There are a number of programs out there which can be used to test a system, such as TechTool Pro.
I’ve always used the free programs of EtreCheck]EtreCheck, the shareware YASU about once every 2-3 months! Plus I also use the old OS X trick of using the old Unix trick of [url=]fsck from Termial in the single user mode[/url].

Also over the years on hard disks I use the shareware DiskWarrior to repair a disk to get data off it and replace the disk (Because if I have too repair the Volume that tells me the hard drive is on it’s last leg).

However the current Macs mostly use SSDs ten then that’s a different beast altogether!
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