I've submitted an app dedicated to the gyroscope to App Store. It's called Gyroscope Demonstration. It will show you the raw values (for you programmers out there) + simple visualizations. It also has an RPM counter and a gyroscope based compass.
I've submitted an app dedicated to the gyroscope to App Store. It's called Gyroscope Demonstration. It will show you the raw values (for you programmers out there) + simple visualizations. It also has an RPM counter and a gyroscope based compass.
Could you provide some insight about how to go about programming the iPhone to display gyroscope raw values? I was able to find tutorials on accelerometers, but I could not find anything on programming gyros.
I've submitted an app dedicated to the gyroscope to App Store. It's called Gyroscope Demonstration. It will show you the raw values (for you programmers out there) + simple visualizations. It also has an RPM counter and a gyroscope based compass.