I use Witch. I have it configured like the classic Application Switcher Menu where it's an icon in the menu bar; clicking it drops down a list of running applications with sub-menus for each application listing the open documents for that application.
While not a traditional launcher per-say, I also use Bartender 2, which has many of the same goals in terms of workflow organization. I am also using ControlPlane (courtesy of Mr. Weaselboy.)
Launchpad + a few letters then enter
Spotlight + a few letters then enter
Botha re used frequently depending on where my hands are placed. Command+space or F4 depending on what's more apposite the situation. Or sometimes pinching the trackpad. I think I mostly launch apps with Launchpad and use Spotlight for other things, like quick calculations, file lookups etc.
And then I have apps that are permanently assigned certain workspaced. Not relevant to the launcher thing but I found it somewhat apposite to mention nonetheless.