My problem starts like this. I had previously jailbroken my iPhone 3G with redsn0w 0.7.1 and after jailbreaking, I realized that there was a long halt when exiting an app. During that time, I had performed a Restore from my last Backup on FW 2.2.1. I realized that AptBackup was only bringing back my repositories but not my packages and that's when I found out that AptBackup was not fully compatible with 3.0.
Since then I've heard that AptBackup is now compatible to 3.0 and so I figured it was finally time to restore my iPhone and fix the problem I had. I do the restore and jailbreak it and everything goes on without a hitch. Now I am trying to Restore my last Backup from 2.2.1 again and it won't let me because the Backup from AptBackup has already been restored on my iPhone.
So my question lies: Is there a way to trick AptBackup into thinking that I haven't restored the Backup yet?
Since then I've heard that AptBackup is now compatible to 3.0 and so I figured it was finally time to restore my iPhone and fix the problem I had. I do the restore and jailbreak it and everything goes on without a hitch. Now I am trying to Restore my last Backup from 2.2.1 again and it won't let me because the Backup from AptBackup has already been restored on my iPhone.
So my question lies: Is there a way to trick AptBackup into thinking that I haven't restored the Backup yet?