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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Sep 13, 2014
Philadelphia, PA USA
AR apps suddenly not working at all - iPhone8 Plus
(Yeah I can spell :confused:)**

I was messing with the AR apps, Kings of Pool, some Dinosaur App. Another app where I can put my face on a bunch of animated characters (Sumo wrestler, some guitar playing Even this free AR Dragon pet one that was on the app store.

But NOW...these apps just stopped working for me. I tried this new one called PLNAR (supposed to measure the floors, floor plans using camera...but all this app does is access the camera and "it is trying to find floor - move around" Simply put the AR on my iPhone 8 Plus just fail to work. NO idea why. The pool game was interesting...very hard but different. Now I can't bring up the AR pool table anywhere.

Not sure if theres something wrong with my phone, camera...etc? The camera works fine, I can shoot video/photos. No idea. I have noticed in the past week some slight oddities with this new phone. Screen getting stuck in landscape more, OR turning it back to vertical view, the background is stuck in horizontal. Swiping from one screen to the next on the home screen, the icons do this little "jolt" - very slight but noticeable. Placing the phone on a wireless charger OR corded charger, the lock screen appears showed the batter icon and it remains on until I manually turn it off. Just tiny things I haven't seen before on my older 6 Plus.

***Ok, never mind. I did that new Hard Reset on the phone - first time I had to do this on my iP8+, the AR now works again.

Odd that I had to do this..but ok I guess?
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