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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 13, 2012
Augmented Reality was supposed to be one of the killer features of iPhone X and iOS 11 but 6 months down the line I cant see any killer app making use of it. Yes IKEA app uses it well but its not a day to ay use app. Other apps are just games. Can Apple make real good use of AR like Google does for Google Lens and now Google Maps. The AR stickers in the Pixel camera also have far better implementation.

Any must have AR apps that are genuinely useful that I am missing here?


macrumors 68020
Mar 7, 2009
I really enjoy clips. but i don't know if thats considers AR. I think Apple is laying the groundwork for something larger. Like AR glasses


macrumors 601
Mar 22, 2011
AR as we’ve seen Demo’s of such as holding up your iPhone and having names of stores on the block appear is years off. It may be more complicated than Apple maps which after years still isn’t up to snuff
As for the AR apps available most are simple and not complex. Give it some time and it will improve


macrumors 68020
Jun 27, 2011
AR is fun for the first 10 minutes. And then it gets old.

I remember when AR was introduced on 3DS. People played around with it for like the first week then it gets boring.
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macrumors 68020
May 25, 2010
AR is fun for the first 10 minutes. And then it gets old.

I remember when AR was introduced on 3DS. People played around with it for like the first week then it gets boring.
the 3DS doesn't really have the power to do anything interesting with AR :p

People should be able to do some much more interesting stuff with the new Apple hardware.

T'hain Esh Kelch

macrumors 603
Aug 5, 2001
AR as we’ve seen Demo’s of such as holding up your iPhone and having names of stores on the block appear is years off. It may be more complicated than Apple maps which after years still isn’t up to snuff
I see this as the only thing that I see that AR can give us that is really worthwhile, and I agree, it is still years away. But when it comes it will be big. But it also depends on how good the implementation is. If it is Apple Maps good, then it will be a complete fad, but if it is Google Maps good, then it will be awesome and something that we will take to as a given in the future.

The only other thing I can see it used for, is something like Pokemon Go, and that has already been tried and done.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 23, 2011
As others said, we are years away from useful implementation in the form of AR glasses but it is coming


Jul 12, 2016
AR was never a big deal and it never will be.

I think it’s for a niche market at the moment, its difficult to say how they can implement AR to make it more useful in the future. Perhaps maybe something like having training through surgical procedures for example for students. In the professional related field, I could see it being useful.


macrumors 6502
Feb 5, 2018
AR was never a big deal and it never will be.


80's - Computers were never a big deal and never will be.
90's - The internet was never a big deal and never will be.
2000's - Apps on a cell phone were never a big deal and never will be.

A/R "sucks" now because there isn't enough dev support for it yet.... and we are probably 5 years away from the hardware being seamless enough for the average consumer.

Once the hardware exists to create the right experience.... the cool new apps will come to make it worth while.... there are endless applications
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macrumors G5
Jun 27, 2007
AR was never a big deal and it never will be.
People are going to laugh about this comment someday. In the years to come, when electronic contact lenses can slip onto your eye and display information about the world around you and each person passing you on the street. It will start as a company like Apple making attractive looking smart glasses that are essentially indistinguishable from regular ones, then will be miniaturized over time as they figure out how to refocus light and miniaturize everything using nano technology as well as super low powered circuits that are powered by the human body itself. We will one day wonder how we got along without such technology, much like we think about the ubiquity of smartphones today.
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Jul 12, 2016
It drains battery really quickly as well.

Hopefully by the time AR is more widespread and has the time to mature more, battery technology will also change during the course of this process and mitigate some of the side effects with the battery drain with AR.
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