One thing i think that's missing from iPad Pro + Pencil discussion is the actual software applications and how they work for our workflow. I mark-up drawings all the time on my Mac with Preview. Where's the Preview App for the iPad Pro? I do a lot of marking up shop-drawings by hand as well, mainly because it's faster than doing it on the computer. What about sketching over drawings or viewing drawings to a specific scale on-screen? The Notes App is nice for drawing with a ruler but there's no line-weight settings or number on the actual ruler tool. And there is no "Western" handwriting recognition on the keyboard for taking notes? There's also no quick way to get to the notes app from the lock-screen. The camera has one, why not the Notes app, considering the Pencil interface is so prevalent for the Pro... I keep thinking of missing Software interfaces where the Pencil would work great with but there is no good solution in the iOS Platform that supports more analog interfaces. As of the last few years with Apple products, the Hardware team is hitting home runs with every release, but the software team is fouling out. This device will work very well for Architectural Illustrators or Rendering professionals, but not for Day-to-Day architects, or the Designer that were classically train (mostly by hand) like me.
As for price, people always complain about how "overpriced" apple products are. That's a moot point when the productivity is increased or bettered by Apple's products. The value you get from Apple products is in the integration and the free updates on software and OS updates. Support is great and the products have good longevity. You definitely get what you pay for.