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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 22, 2015

tl,dr: I want to archive off a User directory, but given its size, it must go to a mounted drive.

I have a damaged user directory, one encrypted with Filevault. I've not found any tools to work on it.
I want to archive it off for in hopes of a future recovery. But the Accounts function of SysPref only gives the option of writing the archives to /Users/ where there is a distinct lack of room.

  1. Is there any way for the utility to Get a Clue ® & write to another volume?
  2. I used cp -a to make a copy, but I have no idea what nefarious nonsense Apple used in Filevault, and don't know if this is sufficient.


macrumors 68020
Aug 27, 2015
on the land line mr. smith.
Good third party tools can clone/copy anything anywhere....assuming the drive is decrypted.

Or you can clone the entire OS to another drive. Good tools will do this for you and most are smart enough to skip unreadable files and continue on. Assuming the drive is decrypted. Why not just turn off file vault before proceeding?


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
OP wrote:
"As I said at the top, the **&%*& Filevault broke itself and will not open. THAT is why I want to move it intact to other storage, in hopes someone else can fix it."

Without the password, you aren't likely to get to it.

Personal comment:
This is why I NEVER use FileVault (one exception: I use it on a backup I keep in the car). Too much danger of locking YOURSELF out of your own stuff!
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