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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 10, 2008
Hey MacRumors
I recently got an idea for an application for the iphone and want to create it. Is it that hard to make apps? is there codes i need to know like C+ or something? or having a developer account user friendly and helps you make it?
anyone have any experience from creating apps? please let me know!
From the quantity of burp, fart, flashlight, 'babe' viewer apps out there, I'd have to say iPhone app creation isn't that hard :p
no im pretty much a beginner should i start learning codes before attempting to make apps?

Well you have to know code. iPhone SDK is built around Obj C, Cocoa and a few other frameworks rolled in there for good measure. You can utilize Obj C, C++, Java and C just to name a few of the languages the SDK supports.

It's not that it's hard to develop an app, but you have to learn about creating apps through writing code or other coursework to be able to accomplish that task. There are plenty of books on the said topic, pick one and try it out. Maybe you pickup on it quickly, maybe you don't.
It's very hard for a starter. You would need to get a book on C and cocoa. It would take you a few months to make a decent app if you never have. Just to give you an idea.
i've been playing with the iPhone SDK for the last 6 months. I have moderate computer skills and it has taken me up till now to feel confident producing things for the app store. I currently have about 16 projects lined up with the first to be coming out within the month.

Barnes & Noble has been one of the best resources for me. Lots of great books that let you piece the parts together and give you general familiarity with the code and structure involved.

The advice i got when asking where to start with developing for iPhone was to read these books..

Programming in Objective-C 2.0 - Stephen Kochan
Beginning iPhone 3 Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK - Dave Mark, Jeff LaMarche understanding of programming concepts would obviously help but Kochan's book assumes no previous knowledge and i found it quite useful. There is also a supporting website for when you get stuck..
Also another book i was recommended was..

Cocoa programming for Mac OS X - Aaron Hillegrass

..i've not got as far as using it yet so can;t personally recommend it but others speak highly of it
From the quantity of burp, fart, flashlight, 'babe' viewer apps out there, I'd have to say iPhone app creation isn't that hard :p

Don't be fooled - iPhone applications are fairly difficult to create. Even talented programmers with rubbish ideas produce rubbish.
Just getting started here -- been writing software for a living for about 30 years and can write Windows stuff in C++ just about blindfolded.

I figure it will take a fair amount of time to get up to speed on the iPhone stuff. Conceptually, if you know C/C++, it doesn't look too bad, but the framework is all different and Objective-C will take some time even if you're an "old hack" at ANSI C/C++.

So yeah, I'd vote with "non trivial" from what I've seen so far if you're starting at ground zero. Lots of resources out there, though.
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