I spend far more time on the internet than watching tv so I was wanting to get rid of the extra cost of cable for the TV, and just keep the RR cable for the internet connection, but not sure if I can with my current tv. I had read somewhere that if you plug the cable supplying the internet connection into your tv, you can watch a few programs on the tv for free. A few news stations and maybe PBS would be enough. I was hoping to get other content to the tv with something like the Apple TV, however on the Apple site under Apple TV: What you need it states a wide screen tv. I have an old Sony Trinitron Wega 27 tv. Model #KV-27FS13. Is there no way to use this tv with the Apple TV? Also under what you need it mentions AirPort Extreme. Would I have to purchase that in addition to the Apple TV? My current internet connection is a Motorola Surfboard modem SB5100 plugged directly to my iMac via an Ethernet cable. Cant I just turn on AirPort on my iMac to make the connection to the Apple TV?
I have done a lot of looking around on forums and I read about things like QAM, AVI, DiVX, HDD, Handbrake, Plex, HDMI, WiFi g, b, n, etc., etc. Its all a bit confusing to to me. I just want to be able to turn on my tv and watch the news, Hulu, or YouTube. If I want to watch a movie I can use my DVD player. One of the reasons Ive always used a Mac is because pretty much everything Ive ever needed to do has been plug & play, drag & drop, point & click. It just does what I need to do, but this tv thing has me baffled. I dont want to have to go out and by an Apple TV, and an AirPort Extreme, and a new TV, just to save money on the cable bill.
I have done a lot of looking around on forums and I read about things like QAM, AVI, DiVX, HDD, Handbrake, Plex, HDMI, WiFi g, b, n, etc., etc. Its all a bit confusing to to me. I just want to be able to turn on my tv and watch the news, Hulu, or YouTube. If I want to watch a movie I can use my DVD player. One of the reasons Ive always used a Mac is because pretty much everything Ive ever needed to do has been plug & play, drag & drop, point & click. It just does what I need to do, but this tv thing has me baffled. I dont want to have to go out and by an Apple TV, and an AirPort Extreme, and a new TV, just to save money on the cable bill.