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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 10, 2006
Belleville, ON, Canada
I just got my hands on a used phone, no sim, no service. Jailbreak and unlock went successfully using Pwnagetool.

Now, am I able to load the custom IPSW restore file onto a thumb drive, and share them with a Windows Machine so that a coworker can JB their phone?

There's no internet at work. She doesn't have QuickPwn or anything on her machine. I don't know if she's updated to 2.2.1.

I do have 2.2 and the custom-restore 2.2 and want to just copy those to her Vista machine, then just use iTunes to restore. I'm pretty sure I can get her phone to enter DFU mode without the prompts from a JB tool.

Would this work?

Should I get her to download the windows version of a Jailbreak tool first, just to be sure? I don't see that need, as I already have the files needed?

What's the "best" JB app for Windows? I could always download that and stick it on the thumb drive for her.


EDIT: The iPhones are both 3G.
What's the "best" JB app for Windows? I could always download that and stick it on the thumb drive for her.

The "only" jailbreak app for Windows is WinPwn ;)

But if you have a custom IPSW on the computer, hold ctrl and click restore in iTunes with the iPhone plugged in. You can then select that custom IPSW. I've not done that myself so I can't say whether or not it will defiantly work.
That should work no problem provided hers is the same type of iPhone (original) as yours, and you're JB'ing the same Firmware version (2.2 I guess from your post).
Great, thanks! I thought this would work, as it's just basically forcing a DFU restore to the same custom files I've already made. Just to be sure, I've DLed the 2.2 and 2.2.5 Quickpwn to also toss onto the thumb drive.

And yes, the iPhones are both 8GB 2nd-gen.
That should work no problem provided hers is the same type of iPhone (original) as yours, and you're JB'ing the same Firmware version (2.2 I guess from your post).

lol its doesnt matter what version it is :S lol as she will restore to it :p
I haz fail.

Tried multiple times today and her phone will not connect to itunes. Not on her laptop or my macbook.

Itunes will open but won't do anything as there's no internet connection at work. Her phone won't turn on or anything.

For now she's using my unlocked phone with her Sim card.

Does itunes really have to be online to jb?

How can I get her phone to be recognized?

Sorry for typos and weird formatting I'm on the blackberry at work.

Success, after I got home and got online. iTunes apparently MUST be online to even "see" a phone in recovery mode.

Tried to just do a "restore" to the custom IPSW I had already made for my phone, but got an error. So I restored to the official 2.2 and then re-ran Pwnage Tool.

The phone is rebooting/restoring as I type (with the custom boot logo I selected for her).

Hopefully my coworker can then just re-sync her phone tomorrow from her backup in her iTunes.

Who knew that iTunes had to be online to even "see" a phone in recovery mode? What the heck is up with that limitation? No way should a computer have to be online to do a restore.

Guess I'll just go ahead and unlock it with yellowsn0w now, for her, and install BossTools and BossPrefs and Winterboard.


All she has to do when plugging into her laptop is to select "restore from backup" rather than 'set up as new', right?

I've only done with with the Touch, previously, and restore from backup ended up being a MESS.
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