if you are a serious musician and have specific projects in mind GarageBand is not the app for you, you need either Logic or ProTools
Ableton Live or
Reason or
Numerology or
MetaSynth or
Digital Performer or
Cubase or
Nuendo or
SoundTrack or
GarageBand or a
four-track cassette recorder.
Most importantly is passion, dedication, committment, patience, creativity, discipline, effort, etc.
If you are serious musician and have specific projects in mind,
go read through a few audio forums and think about what you're trying to produce. Then ask around, read reviews and play with demo software until you find an application that fits your requirements, your working style and your budget.
Then forget about all the rest and produce your audio.
As for losackmd's original questions, here are my responses:
Q: If in the past month users have started to feel restricted, bored, limited by what GB does or cant do?
A: That's a less than ideal metric to measure. Even someone working with ProTools or Logic (I work with both) is limited by what they can do.
Q: Is the same enthusiasm people had over it still fresh and alive?
Again, this has less to do with the software and more to do with an individual's attitude and passion for creating something. Suffice to say that there is a large community of individuals including "professionals", "semi-pros", "amateurs" and plug-in developers that are very excited about this application.
Q: Does anyone have a clue if Apple is advancing this product i.e. responding to the wish list by many. Will there be version 2.0 someday?
A: This is purely my speculation, but consider that Apple purchased an entire company dedicated to digital audio production, emagic. At NAMM a few weeks back they announced the repackaged version of Logic as well as previewed some new technologies that are going to be in future versions of their product.
It is absolutely to their advantage to introduce as many potential customers to their audio platform. It will drive hardware sales and Logic software sales. They are definitely going to continue to advance this product.