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“Are you intending to buy the new iPhone SE (2022) for yourself or someone else?”

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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jul 18, 2010
Given the recent MR news story about a Sell Cell survey of iPhone users and the upcoming iPhone SE, I thought it would be fun and informative to ask the same question here.

That way, we can compare our results with SC's.

Voting results are viewable AFTER you vote. Want it to be a secret ballot and to match Sell Cell's survey method.


P.S. Wanted to add an “Unsure” or “I don't know” choice, but that's not how Sell Cell set it up!
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I think the launch will lead me to be purchasing one model or other. My wife is still using her SE 2016, and though she's not particularly chomping at the bit, I thought I'd offer to get her either an SE 2022 or a 13 mini. There is an SE 2020 and a 13 mini already in the household, she does have the opportunity to play around with them and see if either suits her fancy.

I suspect she will want the SE.
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I think the launch will lead me to be purchasing one model or other. My wife is still using her SE 2016, and though she's not particularly chomping at the bit, I thought I'd offer to get her either an SE 2022 or a 13 mini. There is an SE 2020 and a 13 mini already in the household, she does have the opportunity to play around with them and see if either suits her fancy.

I suspect she will want the SE.
Ikalliance what a wonderful Husband you are! but both of those iphones are great, and if your wife prefers the SE 2022 then you save £300 and still get the brownie points!
Ikalliance what a wonderful Husband you are! but both of those iphones are great, and if your wife prefers the SE 2022 then you save £300 and still get the brownie points!
LOL thanks!

If I came across as suggesting that the choice of an SE was somehow lesser, that's on me. I think either choice would be wonderful. For that matter, if she's still happy with her SE 1, if it still brings her joy to use, then opting for neither would also be good! There really is no bad choice.

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Given the recent MR news story about a Sell Cell survey of iPhone users and the upcoming iPhone SE, I thought it would be fun and informative to ask the same question here.

That way, we can compare our results with SC's.

Voting results are viewable AFTER you vote. Want it to be a secret ballot and to match Sell Cell's survey method.


P.S. Wanted to add an “Unsure” or “I don't know” choice, but that's not how Sell Cell set it up!
Yes, I intend to buy one…for my son. But not at launch and not until next year, late. And assuming he wants it and not another iPhone model.

I'm half way through paying off his SE 2020 which he got in February 2021. And we will upgrade before he does. My wife and I have a rule that our kids do not get better phones than we do - unless they are buying those phones themselves. So, once we go from the 11 Pro Max to whatever Apple has in a year or so, then we will get him this new SE.

That will mark the third SE for him. He still has his original SE too.
Not sure yet, already have a iPhone 13 pro max.

Thinking of pulling the trigger on a second iPhone to use as a iOS beta testing phone.

Knowing that next year we’ll be getting a redesigned SE, makes this year SE a hard sell.

Might grab a 13 mini instead, only if it gets heavily discounted like last year 12 mini.
Well there is an article now on MR, that the new SE will have ceramic shield, 4GB RAM A15 and magsafe but most importantly significantly improved battery life so its getting even more compelling. If this is true, these will sell very well, even better than the SE2020.
Well there is an article now on MR, that the new SE will have ceramic shield, 4GB RAM A15 and magsafe but most importantly significantly improved battery life so its getting even more compelling. If this is true, these will sell very well, even better than the SE2020.

Damn. That sounds like a compelling offer. As a budget phone it’s ticking all the boxes as a premium device. I really loved my iPhone 8 but I don’t think I can go backwards to that older design again despite the processor upgrade over my 12 Mini. I have all the MagSave accessories also including the battery & charging pad.

Argh, so torn ?.
Probably get a couple for the kiddos. They don’t want the Face ID garbage. Too bad no headphone jack. Go through adaptors every 3-4 months.
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Currently I have a 7+, and although I don't have issues with its performance, it has poor efficiency by today's standard in terms of screen-on-time and overheating.

If the price and the battery life of the 2022 SE is right, I might bite. But if battery life is the "same" as the 2020 SE, I'll pass.
If all those "leaks" about price ranges and improved battery life turn out true then I most certainly will.
As I noted in the thread on the article, I'll wager most people read the poll as pertaining to a new iPhone in 2022, not an iPhone SE 2022!

No "maybe" choice as I mentioned in the original post -- because Sell Cell forced respondents to choose Yes or No and I thought it a good idea to mirror their poll.

Oh, and of course, MR readers are quite different from the universe of iPhone users -- for one thing, most MR iPhone users know what an iPhone SE is and what a 2022 model might mean -- and will know for sure by late this afternoon. In contrast, I'll wager most of Sell Cell's respondents still won't know what an iPhone SE 2022 is ever after today!

Frankly, I don't know how I would respond to such a poll... without knowing what the iPhone SE 2022 actually is -- and, even then, I'm still likely to be unsure whether I'd buy one! My iPhone SE 2016 is still running well -- on 14.8.1.
I will probably buy one as my SE 2020 is getting run down.

Same with me. I have the SE 2020 as my work phone, but it has taken a beating with my son getting hold of it and dropping the phone on the floor multiple times. It still works great though, even though the battery is at 87%.
Intriguingly, the original, likely deeply flawed poll by Sell Cell showed 40% wanting to buy a new iPhone SE 2022 while the abbreviated and also quite sampling biased poll here shows virtually same result — 42%.

Wonder what the results would be now that we know what the new iPhone SE actually is!
I'm considering it. Some phone companies here in Sweden are actually offering some excellent deals on it, ca 40% off with a 24 months plan. Not sure how that is in other parts of the world but it might explain some of its popularity. I see no other iPhones over here being offered with such huge discounts.
Currently I have a 7+, and although I don't have issues with its performance, it has poor efficiency by today's standard in terms of screen-on-time and overheating.

If the price and the battery life of the 2022 SE is right, I might bite. But if battery life is the "same" as the 2020 SE, I'll pass.
Did you update your 7 Plus to iOS 15, and if so how is that going? Mine is on iOS 14 and running very well. My alternative to buying a new SE would be a SE 2020 or simply getting a new battery for my 7 Plus and using it for another year.
Did you update your 7 Plus to iOS 15, and if so how is that going? Mine is on iOS 14 and running very well. My alternative to buying a new SE would be a SE 2020 or simply getting a new battery for my 7 Plus and using it for another year.
I did update mine to iOS15, now on the latest 15.3.1. Personally, I don't feel battery life is any different on iOS15, meaning it's already mediocre even on iOS14 for my usage. It's still a day phone (barely), but if I do anything more rigorous on it like maps navigation or youtube streaming, I would definitely be turning on lower power mode before the end of the day. Standby time is excellent though, it can last for days if I don't use it. Battery health is 97%.

If yours run well on iOS14, I would probably stick with it. Wait until reviews for this 2022 SE show up to gauge its battery life, then you can decide to upgrade or just replace your battery.
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I did update mine to iOS15, now on the latest 15.3.1. Personally, I don't feel battery life is any different on iOS15, meaning it's already mediocre even on iOS14 for my usage. It's still a day phone (barely), but if I do anything more rigorous on it like maps navigation or youtube streaming, I would definitely be turning on lower power mode before the end of the day. Standby time is excellent though, it can last for days if I don't use it. Battery health is 97%.

If yours run well on iOS14, I would probably stick with it. Wait until reviews for this 2022 SE show up to gauge its battery life, then you can decide to upgrade or just replace your battery.
Thanks. How is the performance of iOS 15 in general though on your 7 Plus, battery life aside? I'm planning to get an iPad Mini cellular to use for all my heavy use so I don't need the battery to be stellar. Just the standby, which as you say is fantastic on the 7 Plus.
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