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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 4, 2008
I have updated my imac to system 10.4.11 because I have installed Adobe CS3. In an Indesign document when a font is missing it highlights it in pink but in my document it is just highlighting all the spaces in pink! Font book is saying that the font is not corrupt and apart from that the font looks OK. Any ideas?

Also Quark 6.5 wouldn't open - have taken out JAWs folder and also two extensions: FontDownloadingXT.xnt and PDF Filter.xnt. So now quark opens but I can't make a pdf from it. Would upgrading to quark 7 or 8 solve my problem?
I have updated my imac to system 10.4.11 because I have installed Adobe CS3. In an Indesign document when a font is missing it highlights it in pink but in my document it is just highlighting all the spaces in pink! Font book is saying that the font is not corrupt and apart from that the font looks OK. Any ideas?

Strange. If this started happening to me, I'd do three things first.

1. Ensure that InDesign has all updates downloaded and installed.
2. I'd download, install and set up Font Explorer. It's free and comes with InDesign and Quark 6.5 auto-activation. Let it handle your system fonts.
3. I'd throw away the InDesign preferences file. (com.adobe.InDesign.plist) in your Home Folder>Library>Preferences... and restart the Mac for good measure.​

Also Quark 6.5 wouldn't open - have taken out JAWs folder and also two extensions: FontDownloadingXT.xnt and PDF Filter.xnt. So now quark opens but I can't make a pdf from it. Would upgrading to quark 7 or 8 solve my problem?

No. Upgrading shouldn't help. After setting up FontExplorer and your fonts, I'd put the JAWs folder back and the extensions and use the Xtensions Manager under the Utilities menu to disable extensions. You shouldn't have to disable PDF filter... I'd also do the same as with InDesign; throw away the preference file (QuarkXPress.setup.plist) and see how that goes. Without JAWs, you won't be able to make PDFs, unless you do it through Distiller.

However, on the whole, if you like QuarkXpress, the upgrade from 6 to 8 is well worth it. Far more useful features, they've fixed a lot, and it feels far more robust. However, as with every version of Quark, you can only save down one version so if you're working with people who are still using v5 or v6, keep the v6 installed...

Anyway... try these things first and we'll see what happens. I'll check back later and others will probably chip in as well. :)
Arial font and quark problems

I've thrown the com.adobe.InDesign.plist away but that alone has not solved the arial font issue. Couldn't find QuarkXPress.setup.plist.

I found Font explorer to download but it tells me that it doesn't handle type 1 fonts of which I have many. Maybe I ought to buy Arial in Trutype and upgrade Quark to 7 although will try using the Xtentions manager to disable extensions first. Thanks for reminding me that you can only save down one version.
Just to toss in the usual fix we do at work (now to the point of using it every time we install new fonts), I highly recommend giving FontNuke a try to see if it fixes some of your troubles. The program is free and all it does is wipe your font cache files which would get rebuilt automatically when you run the program next (reboots as part of the process to reinitialize the OS caches too). After we started using it, the only problems we ever came across were corrupt font files that we wouldn't use anyways. No program crashes, no trouble displaying fonts, neat and tidy.

Since you're not even able to open the program in some cases due to whatever is going on, it couldn't hurt to try it and see what happens. And I second an upgrade if you want to keep with Quark. 7 was a big improvement from what I've seen personally, and I haven't heard much other than good reviews of 8 so far.
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