I'm creating a new application, and in this application there is a class called Student which has an array as an instance variable. And I'm going to use an Array controller to add and remove them and display them using a table view. Like this...
Screenie -
If you are still confused -
Say I have an array that has {Bob, Susie, Bill} in it, and I want them to be displayed in the table view horizontally like
| Col 1 | Col 2 | Col 3
| Bob | Susie | Bill
And I can't figure out what Model Key Path I need to return the object in the array at the index of the row. Help? =]
Alright, I know how to do it with identifiers and without key paths but that takes a lot of code and I still want to figure out how to do it with Key Paths =D
Screenie -
If you are still confused -
Say I have an array that has {Bob, Susie, Bill} in it, and I want them to be displayed in the table view horizontally like
| Col 1 | Col 2 | Col 3
| Bob | Susie | Bill
And I can't figure out what Model Key Path I need to return the object in the array at the index of the row. Help? =]
Alright, I know how to do it with identifiers and without key paths but that takes a lot of code and I still want to figure out how to do it with Key Paths =D