I ordered my imac i7 on 11/15 from macmall and received on 12/04. I had flickering issue when I turned on the imac first time. Since then it only happened once when I put my work laptop beside imac.
Anyway, looks like imac might have graphic card related issue according to today's news. Should I just call macmall to get it replaced? If so, it will start another 14 days return period won't it? Or should I just bring this imac to local apple store to get it replaced? Will they say it is macmall's responsibility to replace imac since I ordered from them? What if I cannot reproduce this issue (I am pretty sure I cannot since it happens so sparsely) at apple store?
Please give me best suggestion of dealing this issue and sorry for so many questions. Thanks in advance!
Anyway, looks like imac might have graphic card related issue according to today's news. Should I just call macmall to get it replaced? If so, it will start another 14 days return period won't it? Or should I just bring this imac to local apple store to get it replaced? Will they say it is macmall's responsibility to replace imac since I ordered from them? What if I cannot reproduce this issue (I am pretty sure I cannot since it happens so sparsely) at apple store?
Please give me best suggestion of dealing this issue and sorry for so many questions. Thanks in advance!