- IPhone 6s
- IOS 10.3.2 (latest)
- MDM software on phone.
Wasn't sure if it was legit, so contacted Apple Support who didn't know why it happened. They also thought I should've been able to select a numeric only option on the 'new passcode creation' screen, but that option wasn't there.
I then peeked in my MDM settings & noticed a few mentionings of passcode requirements, which reflected those above (2 alpha, 2 numeric & 2 special characters).
Apple Support then suggested I call my work IT Support & see if MDM was behind it.
It Support then urged me to call their business division who handle MDM queries. Being the weekend, they're closed, but I'll be contacting them tomorrow.
Anyway, after changing my passcode, I'm now greeted with a different passcode screen (below). Wondering if anyone else has encountered anything similar?