I'm having a real problem getting to stage one of ASM on Mac OS X. Tutorials and online books either assume you are using MASM or use Linux specific calls. I do not know enough (well any at all really) to be able to see what I am doing wrong. I managed to get one piece of code to assemble and link correctly but the code does nothing (I think it is because it uses int 0x080 which is a Linux kernel call), how did you guys go about learning ASM?
I'd preferably like to just read through a book and use the code as is just to give myself a grounding but that seems unlikely now that I look closer at ASM and the fragmentation of the language into different assemblers and operating systems. I guess that is the price to be paid for low level programming though.
I'd preferably like to just read through a book and use the code as is just to give myself a grounding but that seems unlikely now that I look closer at ASM and the fragmentation of the language into different assemblers and operating systems. I guess that is the price to be paid for low level programming though.