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macrumors G4
Original poster
Suggestions for Assignment 11 should go here... Ideas by Friday evening - vote by Monday evening.

"Shallow (DoF) goes in automatically as the runner-up from last month's poll. Other ideas are most welcome but remember - keep them simple! And avoid any others from the Assignment 10 poll!

The previous assignments list (with links to the polls and threads) so you can what we've already had is below.

Previous Assignments
Assignment 1 - Holiday Preparation (multiple threads)
Assignment 2 - Cold
Assignment 3 - Nature in Unexpected Places
Assignment 4 - Insanity of Humanity or Metal
Assignment 5 - Water
Assignment 6 - Contrasts
Assignment 7 - Yellow
Assignment 8 - Buildings/Urban
Assignment 9 - Doorknobs
Assignment 10 - Motion or Transformation
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