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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Dec 27, 2002
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Alright, since Applespider hasn't posted in a while (which means no assignment thread, it seems), I think we should just make this month a Christmas theme of some sort.

If you don't like this, we can use this thread as a place for more ideas/suggestions from you, but time is running out and we're definitely running late this month.

I say we just post a general Christmas or winter theme. It doesn't have to be snapshots of Santa or presents, but anything that conjures up the spirit of Christmas, or maybe photos of Christmas ornaments from an interesting perspective or something. I'm just throwing out ideas. A Christmas theme could get a lot of people participating.

So, any suggestions on what to do? Any other ideas for an assignment topic for this month? If you do, we need them quickly. :)


macrumors 68020
Nov 14, 2003
Washington, DC
In deference to our multicultural, international board, would "holidays" be an appropriate theme?

I think winter would be better saved for January (for those of us in warmer zones).


macrumors G4
I was swamped over the beginning of the month so figured that perhaps if everyone else was busy, it might be tough to organise.

How about we start a Assignment 12 but let it run through to the end of Jan? That means we can take suggestions now (Assignment 1 last year was Holiday Preparations) and then everyone can use all that lovely new Christmas camera gear to practice with pics?


macrumors 6502a
Apr 18, 2003
RI -> CA -> ME
first photo post

Just got a Nikon D200 w/18-200 Nikkor lens. Still have LOTS to learn, but starting to mess around.

This is a picture of my dog in front of the Christmas tree.
Please feel free to critique, I lightened it a bit, but that is all.


  • SNB_0071.JPG
    153 KB · Views: 107


macrumors 6502
Mar 27, 2006
London, UK
I'm not too wild about christmas or holidays. But I guess I'll just be scrooge.

How about darkness? We only have about 6.5 hours of daylight here at the moment. Plus, I think the use of black or darkness in photography is very interesting.:)

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
I like Applespider's idea of letting this assignment run through to the end of January; that gives all of us plenty of time to shoot even during the busy holiday season. On another site I participate in -- Nikon Cafe -- we have a thread called "What does December Mean to You?" which leaves things pretty wide-open in terms of what the month might include for someone, whether it be cold weather, snow and various sorts of holiday celebrations or whether it be warm weather and perhaps no holiday celebration.... Maybe we could do something like that here: "What Do December and January Mean for You?"

Just a thought...


macrumors 65816
Feb 12, 2006
I was swamped over the beginning of the month so figured that perhaps if everyone else was busy, it might be tough to organise.

How about we start a Assignment 12 but let it run through to the end of Jan? That means we can take suggestions now (Assignment 1 last year was Holiday Preparations) and then everyone can use all that lovely new Christmas camera gear to practice with pics?
Awesome idea! :) If all goes well, I may be taking pictures with my new camera for this assignment!

Maybe for themes we could do...
'Tis the season
Changing weather
or lights.


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
I like Applespider's idea of letting this assignment run through to the end of January; that gives all of us plenty of time to shoot even during the busy holiday season. On another site I participate in -- Nikon Cafe -- we have a thread called "What does December Mean to You?" which leaves things pretty wide-open in terms of what the month might include for someone, whether it be cold weather, snow and various sorts of holiday celebrations or whether it be warm weather and perhaps no holiday celebration.... Maybe we could do something like that here: "What Do December and January Mean for You?"

Just a thought...

I like that, but I do wish it would be just for this month. If we start now, we're not losing much ground compared to any other month since we normally start assignments on the 9th day anyway.

But again, I do like your topic suggestion the most.


macrumors 68020
Mar 28, 2006
The Library.
I'd definitely go with the darkness theme!:)
besides being prevalent in this time of year, it's really artistic, IMHO. anyway, I know that some members don't do much for the holidays, so I think it'd be best we don't exclude anyone.


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Dec 27, 2002
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It doesn't really need to be specifically about your holiday, or your gifts or decorations. It could be someone elses stuff. And I guess it doesn't have to be Xmas. Anyone celebrate Kwanza? Yule?

But darkness could work too........unless you live near the equator, or south of it (like me). We still get night-time, though.


macrumors 65816
Feb 12, 2006
I like the idea of starting one quickly however... A few good points were raised.

Many of us will be very busy. Would it hurt to keep it going until the end of January? Especially once we vote and start it up...


macrumors regular
I'm dreaming of a dark Christmas.... nice tune, Bing...

Actually the idea of holiday (or seasonal) paradox / contradiction isn't half bad as a broader context to the darkness theme. Potential creative opportunity. I too like the idea of running it through January.



macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Have we basically decided on "darkness" until the end of January? Seems like a majority of voices want this. I'm game. I'll (try to) shoot whatever topic you tell me.

EastCoastFlyer said:
Actually the idea of holiday (or seasonal) paradox / contradiction isn't half bad as a broader context to the darkness theme.

You mean photos of a sad, dark, dreary holiday season? If that's what you mean, I like it.
Some people are waiters and work on Xmas eve. Some people look sick, tired, and busy with the shopping madness. There are lots of "candid" shots of people you could do for your idea.


macrumors G4
So.... are we all agreed? Darkness as the theme (whether interspersed by Christmas lights, the moon, trees, trains, bbqs (for those in the Southern Hemisphere), snow (for those in the Northern) or just lots of dingy shadows?)

Or do we allow the antithesis - Darkness and Light?

And we'll start the voting (with November's runner up) back up in February? Or do people want to vote for this one?

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Sounds good to me.... "Darkness and Light: Contrasts of the Holiday Season."

Or, actually, could just say "Darkness and Light" Contrasts of December and January..." since it's not winter everywhere and since not everyone will be celebrating any sort of holiday...


macrumors 6502
Mar 27, 2006
London, UK
boo hoo, I didn't get to take part in the discussion. Just got home from work. Well done for suggesting light Buschmaster.

Great theme, "Darkness and Light" Contrasts of December and January...". I'm really looking forward to it, especially as I'm giving myself a lighting stand for xmas:)

Great that it's running until the end of January. It might give people time to put in a couple of entries.


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Yours will count, I think. Our inactivity is not your fault. ;)

If Applespider doesn't put up the assignment by midnight (in my time zone) because she's busy, I'll do it. It's 3pm right now where I live.
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