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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Another month, another photography assignment!

The Sky is automatically in the voting because it was the runner-up from the Assignment #13 vote. You'll need to come up with new topic suggestions again. :)

The previous assignments list (with links to the polls and threads) so you can what we've already had is below.

Previous Assignments
Assignment 1 - Holiday Preparation (multiple threads)
Assignment 2 - Cold
Assignment 3 - Nature in Unexpected Places
Assignment 4 - Insanity of Humanity or Metal
Assignment 5 - Water
Assignment 6 - Contrasts
Assignment 7 - Yellow
Assignment 8 - Buildings/Urban
Assignment 9 - Doorknobs
Assignment 10 - Motion or Transformation
Assignment 11 - Quiet or Transportation
Assignment 12 - Darkness and Light (Holidays)
Assignment 13 - Steps

If you haven't participated before, or if you simply forgot, READ THESE RULES!!


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Personally, I think we should try to aim for another general topic that anyone can go out and shoot without needing to search for it. Not everyone is so hardcore; and besides, we're not a dedicated photography board. Even with a topic like "Steps", we didn't get the participation many of us had envisioned. I guess people weren't confident that they could do anything "cool" with steps.

Anyway, I suggest:



macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location

Thinking about 4th of July in the states, or demolition, or a huge powder cache skiing....

A few options.
Well, July 4th will just be a typical Wednesday for me, and it's also before the topic has been selected, so it wouldn't count.

Sorry, I'm just trying to clear up the rules for people who haven't participated before. :eek:

I like the idea, and it's easy to imagine some of the possibilities, but is it realistic for people here to execute? I'm thinking "firecrackers".


macrumors 6502a
Apr 18, 2003
RI -> CA -> ME
Well, July 4th will just be a typical Wednesday for me, and it's also before the topic has been selected, so it wouldn't count.

Sorry, I'm just trying to clear up the rules for people who haven't participated before. :eek:

I like the idea, and it's easy to imagine some of the possibilities, but is it realistic for people here to execute? I'm thinking "firecrackers".

DOH! Forgot it would be too early.

In that case, I like "danger", as suggested by thr33face.

I would also suggest balls. :D

Baseball, cricket, rugby, whatever you got.


macrumors member
Aug 9, 2005
God's Country
I don't think I've ever posted in this room before, but I do read quite a bit. I used the reviews of the Canon S3 IS before making a purchase. But back on topic, I would suggest...

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