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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
The topic for July 2007 is Wreck and Ruin. The runner-up, "Danger", will automatically go back into next month's topic voting.

The idea is that members go out and try to shoot something relevant to the topic until the end of this month. What is "relevant" is up for interpretation by you and by us, of course.

You must have taken the picture yourself between July 9th to 31st, 2007 in your respective timezones (we'll use the honour system for this one). If you took a picture that fits the assignment topic, but was taken earlier before June 8th 2007, then post it in the GALLERY THREAD.

Anyone can enter. Doesn't matter if the photo was taken with a camera-phone, small point and shoot camera, or DSLR. They should be photos you think are GOOD rather than just snapshots. Don't just post anything that fits the topic. That isn't the point. Post something you can be proud of. :)

If you have never done this before: READ THE RULES BEFORE YOU POST. The rules are rather basic, and a lot of it is common sense, but since we're self-moderated, we don't expect any bone-heads breaking all the rules just because they think they're an exception. Doesn't matter how good your photography is. ;)

Happy shooting.


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Well as successful as the last two assignments have been, I think we should call it quits. :p

Besides, I'll be in Japan for 12 days, and I'm leaving July 27th, so unless someone is going to take over for me for next month, there won't be an Assignment 15. :)


macrumors 65816
Aug 26, 2004
Lets just watch this space and see if anything gets posted .

I am going to be visiting a friend who lives on the Western Isles of Scotland. Hopefully there will be something inspiring to post from there.


macrumors 68040
Jul 25, 2006
paradise beach FL
Okay, I'll go first. Be easy on me, this is only my second day with the L1 and I'm still learning.:p

The Indian River was littered with sunken ships after the 2004 hurricane season... these are still waiting for removal (already scavenged.)
Pineda causeway


taken July 23 under heavy cloud cover.


macrumors 6502
Aug 8, 2006
dont call it quits! :p i'll be posting my first ever contest submission later this week...i've only been doing photography for two months though so I'm still not satisfied with what I have


macrumors 6502
Aug 8, 2006
Here's my submission:

Wrecked and Ruined for Progress
Shanghai, China: July 14, 2007
Canon Digital XT Rebel
Lense: 50 mm
Aperture: f/6.3
Shutter speed: 1/1250 sec


macrumors 65816
Aug 26, 2004
Here is my wreck, taken on the Isle of Lewis


  • wreck.JPG
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macrumors 6502
Jan 6, 2004


Only changes were resize both and rotate on the second one.
Just was going through the pics today thought they were a decent fit.
Recent trip to MN.


Administrator emeritus
Jan 15, 2006
The Kop
please use timg tags rather than img, they are pretty big. Unless you just changed them it is pretty weird because when it was loading on my page it was make 2000 wide and by the time i had written this and come back they had shrunk quite a lot. Perhaps safari 3.

What an interesting building.

Kamera RAWr

macrumors 65816
May 15, 2007
Sitting on a rig somewhere
Well as successful as the last two assignments have been, I think we should call it quits. :p

Don't call it quits :(. I know I haven't posted in this assignment as I've been quite busy with work lately, but I hate to see the assignments go. Perhaps someone else can carry the torch for the next assignment until you return :)

Edit: I did notice that the "Gallery" for photos with same subject seemed to have some very nice photos. Perhaps nobody has had much time to take new photos. I want to keep the assignments going :)


macrumors member
Aug 21, 2007
Pure Coincidence

Its a pure coincidence that these photos fit this time frame. They are from Aruba. Shot with a 10D and sea & sea housing. Not sure if one counts as I am the diver in the photo. I set the exposure and handed it to my dive budy.

But the other two should count.

Also not to ruin the drama this wreck was placed there years ago. not a real wreck.


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    Aruba 17.jpg
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  • Aruba 15.jpg
    Aruba 15.jpg
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  • Aruba 4.jpg
    Aruba 4.jpg
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