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macrumors G4
Original poster
Suggestions for Assignment 7 should go here... Ideas by Tues evening - vote by Fri evening and let's get started.

The colour 'Yellow' goes in automatically as the runner-up from last month's poll. Other ideas are most welcome but remember - keep them simple! And avoid any others from the Assignment 6 list!

My suggestion for the month is 'Public Buildings'

The previous assignments list (with links to the polls and threads) so you can what we've already had is below.

Previous Assignments
Assignment 1 - Holiday Preparation (multiple threads)
Assignment 2 - Cold
Assignment 3 - Nature in Unexpected Places
Assignment 4 - Insanity of Humanity or Metal
Assignment 5 - Water
Assignment 6 - Contrasts


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Well, the colour yellow was my suggestion, so I already get one of my ideas in there.

If I had to make another suggestion, it would be "inanimate objects." Just take a photo of an interesting object, or a photo of a boring object in an interesting way.


macrumors 603
Dec 19, 2002
I'd like to see something in the realm of 'speed' or maybe 'motion' to be more broad.

I like shooting things in motion and I think it gives some leeway to get some really interesting or different shots. You can do a lot of things with things at speed or in motion.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
I think neighbourhood or home could be interesting, but only if people are in the submissions and not just houses. But after looking at the submissions of people here, I doubt it would be successful. We're too embarrassed about shooting people, me thinks. :eek:


macrumors 68000
Mar 10, 2005
Abstract said:
I think neighbourhood or home could be interesting, but only if people are in the submissions and not just houses. But after looking at the submissions of people here, I doubt it would be successful. We're too embarrassed about shooting people, me thinks. :eek:

Ahem... :)

People are some of the most fun shoots!


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
^^That would be a good one! Or even dark and mysterious would be good, but I guess that could be a completely separate topic idea. ;)

FrankieTDouglas said:
Ahem... :)

People are some of the most fun shoots!

Ever see any of the people-related topics get voted in around here? ;)

Just once, I'd like to try and shoot people for this assignment, even if it's only with my camera.

Too bad it may never happen (with my camera), or there would be very low participation from us as a group.


macrumors 6502
Mar 27, 2006
London, UK
I really am not too sure about "the colour yellow".
Things that I would like to shoot in the next month:

-People in some way or another

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Abstract said:
Ever see any of the people-related topics get voted in around here? ;)

Just once, I'd like to try and shoot people for this assignment, even if it's only with my camera.

There has never been anything in any of the assigned topics to prevent you from shooting people and including them in your submission.....


macrumors G4
Original poster
Clix Pix said:
There has never been anything in any of the assigned topics to prevent you from shooting people and including them in your submission.....

Agreed... when they've been people-specific though, there have been questions as to how to get the appropriate permissions though to post the pictures. Probably why there haven't been too many 'people' shots so far.

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
Applespider said:
Agreed... when they've been people-specific though, there have been questions as to how to get the appropriate permissions though to post the pictures. Probably why there haven't been too many 'people' shots so far.

You have a point there. Though here in the US permission IIRC is only needed if the work of art is used for commercial purposes. Whether the fact the servers for MR are located in the US, and would exempt those from other countries laws regarding people pictures is another matter.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Applespider said:
Agreed... when they've been people-specific though, there have been questions as to how to get the appropriate permissions though to post the pictures. Probably why there haven't been too many 'people' shots so far.

Well I agree with Clix as well, but since the topics aren't really people specific, there's not pressure to go out there and try to shoot people, because like Applespider said, I think people aren't very keen on going out and shooting photos of strangers or whatever. Maybe they would, but feel uncomfortable. I can understand that, but I thought a people-centric topic would force people to "try".

Maybe a topic like "Happiness" would encourage people to take photos of people, but be easy enough for people to try.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Abstract said:
Bad time for you? Tired, maybe?

It's just that you keep harping on the same idea over and over.... As I said earlier, if you want to include people in your photos there is no one stopping you. Go right ahead! It is not necessary for this group to have a "people-centric" topic in order for you or anyone else to use fellow human beings in your images. If such a topic were to be voted in, which I doubt would happen, you probably would not see as many entries as are submitted when we have other, broader topics. You cannot force anyone into shooting a topic with which they are uncomfortable or into using people in their shots if they do not choose to do so.
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