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Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Original poster
Well, after all the voting and commentary, I don't see any images up here yet for our enjoyment! Personally, I'm having a difficult time with this particular topic and am still waiting for inspiration to strike. As I mentioned before, it's the "unexpected places" bit that is the stumbling block. I can find nature in all the expected places, no problemo, but this is really more of a challenge. I really think that in future we need to structure the topics so that they are actually something attainable.


macrumors 68000
Nov 27, 2001
here (for now)
**** i missed the last assignement ... i'll have to take a walk today and snap some pics. It just snowed today; so, i may find some interesting things occuring during the melting process. :)

peace | neut


Moderator emeritus
Oct 21, 2003
Portland, OR
I'm having troubles with this one.. Since I live in the boondocks, it's more like "civilization in unexpected places". :) But I shall persevere and try to find something before the time's up!

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Original poster
Well, there's still loads of time for shooting and showing your images, folks! However, I do think that this was not the best of topics since so many are obviously having difficulties with it. Next time we need to choose more wisely.... And I think that whoever posts an image in this thread should be the ONLY ones allowed to vote for the next assignment topic! There seem to have been a heckuva lot of people who cast their votes in this last round: where are they now? Where are their images? If someone isn't going to participate by presenting an image then I don't think they should be allowed to choose the topic to which those who are going to participate would be held.... Just my thoughts.


macrumors 68000
Nov 27, 2001
here (for now)
Clix Pix said:
And I think that whoever posts an image in this thread should be the ONLY ones allowed to vote for the next assignment topic! There seem to have been a heckuva lot of people who cast their votes in this last round: where are they now? Where are their images? If someone isn't going to participate by presenting an image then I don't think they should be allowed to choose the topic to which those who are going to participate would be held.... Just my thoughts.

Sounds like a worthy idea ... i didn't shoot last ass. so i didn't vote (nor post comments, but that's just me). I intend to post in this one and so i think that should buy my vote. ;)

I like this ass. It's making me think about what im going to shoot/post rather than posting on the first day and regretting my pre-maturness.

peace | neut


macrumors 6502
Jan 6, 2005
Clix Pix said:
Well, there's still loads of time for shooting and showing your images, folks! However, I do think that this was not the best of topics since so many are obviously having difficulties with it. Next time we need to choose more wisely.... And I think that whoever posts an image in this thread should be the ONLY ones allowed to vote for the next assignment topic! There seem to have been a heckuva lot of people who cast their votes in this last round: where are they now? Where are their images? If someone isn't going to participate by presenting an image then I don't think they should be allowed to choose the topic to which those who are going to participate would be held.... Just my thoughts.

On one hand, I think you're right; a lot of people voted and now are nowhere to be seen... I'd like to know how many of the people that are actually participating voted for the current topic, without stopping to think if it was the best choice... I for one am having a lot of trouble with it. I want to participate, but I can't think of a good picture to take (yet; hopefully I'll find something). But on the other hand, if we do what you say and allow votes only from people who post pictures now, maybe we'll get a flood of crappy pictures from people that just want to participate next time, if the topic is a little easier... Still, maybe it's better to have that; after all, even posting a crappy picture shows some interest in the matter...(I might have to do that :( :eek: )

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Original poster
Linkjeniero said:
... maybe we'll get a flood of crappy pictures from people that just want to participate next time, if the topic is a little easier... Still, maybe it's better to have that; after all, even posting a crappy picture shows some interest in the matter...(I might have to do that :( :eek: )

Well....frankly, I'm not too thrilled with either of the images I've got in this thread; although both of them in one way or another fulfill the criteria of the assignment, they're not especially great technically and subject-wise. If we had chosen a topic with slightly more latitude for all of us to work within I think that everyone would have been much happier in submitting entries for this particular assignment. Fortunately, it's not a class we're in here, so no one will flunk if they don't submit anything, and there are no grades or awards, so that's fine....


macrumors G4
It is going to be tough to police if we started making rules as to who could vote/not vote had to participate - but democratically, this topic won and we have to make the best of it. I didn't vote for it since I knew it would be tricky - I liked the alphabet idea.

But there are still 2 weeks left of the assignment (we're only a third of the way through) so I'm sure things will improve as to the participation rate. I'm carrying my camera around - I just haven't found the perfect shot yet!


Moderator emeritus
Oct 5, 2001
San Diego, CA
Another note on a couple of the recent submissions - I'm not sure if people are aware of the requirement that the shot be taken during the assignment window (i.e. this month) and not be an older shot.

I'm still looking for my shots, too.


Moderator emeritus
Oct 21, 2003
Portland, OR
Clix Pix said:
And I think that whoever posts an image in this thread should be the ONLY ones allowed to vote for the next assignment topic!

That's not fair at all.

I didn't vote for "Nature In Unexpected Places" and I'm having trouble participating, but I should not be penalized for either by not being alloweed to vote in the next assignment.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Original poster
yellow said:
That's not fair at all.

I didn't vote for "Nature In Unexpected Places" and I'm having trouble participating, but I should not be penalized for either by not being alloweed to vote in the next assignment.

Well, then, find something which fits this currently assigned topic, and SHOOT!! :)

I didn't vote for "Nature in Unexpected Places" either, as I could already tell that it would be a problematic topic for many people. Something much broader in scope would have been a lot better, but the majority rules... so my question here is, why are those people not participating and why should they have been allowed to dictate what I'm to shoot?!


Moderator emeritus
Oct 21, 2003
Portland, OR
Clix Pix said:
Well, then, find something which fits this currently assigned topic, and SHOOT!! :)

As I said earlier, I live in a very rural area, unless the topic was civilization in unexpected areas, there's nothing but nature all around me. Besides, I don't want to post some contrived stupid photo. I'd like to actually be interesting, unlike my previous postings on previous subjects. I'm still looking, but so far I've come up empty.

Besides.. there's still 16 days before it's over. Keep your panties on!! ;)


macrumors G4
There's been a lot of discussion in the Assignment 3 picture thread about whether voting should make it compulsory to 'enter' a shot in that assignment or forfeit the next vote.

That would be a lot of work and I don't think it's practical

However, I do have a suggestion. There is an option whereby you can see who voted for a topic. Perhaps using that with the suggestion that if the topic you voted for won, you really should enter might work. Policing it would be well nigh impossible though.


macrumors G4
Clix Pix said:
so my question here is, why are those people not participating and why should they have been allowed to dictate what I'm to shoot?!

Let's adjourn these questions til the end of the month when the assignment ends and then see whether there are 16 different entrants who might have voted for this topic. It's too early to say at the moment.

I've created another thread here - to take the discussion out of what is supposed to be just photos and comments on them. Perhaps one of the mods could move the existing comments into there?
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