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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 9, 2003
Today, I accidentally deleted everything important off of my computer. Don't ask, I do not want to go over it. In a nutshell, "my pictures" is gone and "my music" is gone. Yes, ALL MY iTUNES!

Thankfully, I have an iPod which has every music note I had on my computer. Now the big question is how to get it off my iPod and on to my computer. My computer is acting like a new computer. That is, treat it as a brand new install of Panther. I do not want to plug in my iPod and have it update automatically to iTunes and delete all my music (4 GB). How can I transfer my music from my iPod to my iTunes?
Thanks. Now, if I download one of these programs how to do I keep the iPod from auto updating when I plug it into my iBook. I read somewheres to hold down command and option while I plug in and then I can select manual control. I do not want to risk doing this and having all my songs deleted. I have a ton of purchased music on here!
If all your purchaed music is on your computer again, then you don't need to worry, because when your iPod syncs with your computer, everything SHOULD stay the same.
just click the x on the right of the itunes status area (if it says "Upadating iPod") immediately after pluggin it in. it will stop a sync. then goto ipod prefs and tell it you want it to be a firewire disk. then you can use one of the programs...

at least i think that will work. just make sure it does not update anything, and then it will not delete songs, but since this is a fresh install, it should not be trying to update anything. do NOT let it erase the ipod and set it up to your computer, that is for sure
Thanks everyone! Holding control and command at the same time works really well (it also helps having a friend with an iPod to test it out). I am back with my iTunes on my computer. :)
I'm going to come across as a bit school-marmish here but...

Back... up!

Get another drive (internal or external).

Use Lacie's Silverkeeper utility (free download) to regularly backup your home folder.

The price of another drive is nothing compared to losing your data.

I speak from bitter experience...
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