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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 9, 2009
Hey, all,

For anyone who uses the AT&T Navigator by Telenav GPS app.:

Telenav just released their first upgrade for their iphone app a couple of hours ago. One of the most glaring omissions from the app has finally been added: contacts integration (about friggin' time).

A word of warning: I know that after I upgraded the app, it would crash EVERY SINGLE TIME I tried to navigate to an address (this has already been reported to Telenav). I don't know if this happened to everyone who upgraded today, but I do know of at least one other person who had the same experience an hour ago. Obviously, there's some bug in the upgrade process here.

What I found that works: delete the app, then reinstall it. It will then work flawlessly.
Same crashiness

Mine is crashing out too. I will delete and reinstall to see if that helps...

Mine is crashing out too. I will delete and reinstall to see if that helps...


No prob. After doing a little research, the uninstall/reinstall solution appears to have fixed the problem for all users who where having this problem.

I forgot to mention the other upgrades:

-You can adjust voice volume from within the app now.
-You can cancel your subscription from within the app now (you don't have to call or go online anymore).
This is my new favorite feature of the app. :D

Figured a lot of people would be happy about that. Gokivo is another app that makes it easy to cancel as well.

Personally, I'm happy with the upgrades. I've pretty much tried all the GPS apps (not counting Co-Pilot, Roadee, or IGO) - this app and TomTom are the 2 GPS apps I trust most. They just need to fix the voice quality and give us widescreen.
I did the delete and redownload and the app is working nicely however, I don't see where the voice volume adjust is located or the cancel supscription. :confused:

RE: Vocal volume - You can adjust it by simply using the volume dial button on the left side of the iphone, while you're navigating.

RE: Cancelling subscription - I had a hard time finding this one as well, so I went to the Telenav update description and found the instructions: "To cancel the subscription and fee from within the application go to Tools & Extras > About and select Billing and Subscriptions." I haven't tried doing this myself so I don't know how well the process works, but it sounds pretty simple.
RE: Vocal volume - You can adjust it by simply using the volume dial button on the left side of the iphone, while you're navigating.

RE: Cancelling subscription - I had a hard time finding this one as well, so I went to the Telenav update description and found the instructions: "To cancel the subscription and fee from within the application go to Tools & Extras > About and select Billing and Subscriptions." I haven't tried doing this myself so I don't know how well the process works, but it sounds pretty simple.

Thank you. I appreciate the information.
I've been toying around with the updated Telenav app and have noticed 2 other possible upgrades:

1) Routing algorithms have apparently been improved...I can think of 2 routes I take daily where the directions have been upgraded/fixed.

2. The "lag" effect (so common in GPS apps that stream live data OTA) seems to have been improved a tiny bit as well. It still needs some work, but the app doesn't appear to lag behind as badly when you start moving again after coming to a complete stop (say at a stop light).

I'm hoping they fix the voice volume/quality and give us landscape mode. Speed warnings would be sweet as well, though no version of Telenav (on any phone) has ever had that, AFAIK. Ad far as getting something like reality-lane assist...meh, it's a nice feature, but not a necessity. I'd rather they spend time on fixing, say, the voice for example.
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