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Big Dave

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 27, 2007
Crestview, Fl
I got a spam from AT&T offering a GPS app for my iphone that would only cost me $10 a month. WTF? Why should I subscribe to GPS? I currently have a Garmin and I don't pay a monthly fee. I don't think the upcoming TomTom GPS will charge a monthly fee. Why are phone companies so freakin greedy?
I got a spam from AT&T offering a GPS app for my iphone that would only cost me $10 a month. WTF? Why should I subscribe to GPS? I currently have a Garmin and I don't pay a monthly fee. I don't think the upcoming TomTom GPS will charge a monthly fee. Why are phone companies so freakin greedy?

As discussed before, this isn't unique to the iPhone or even AT&T.

It's a pretty popular model that all the carriers have used for their navigation services for a couple years now...
"Why should I subscribe to GPS? I currently have a Garmin and I don't pay a monthly fee. "

Then don't. What's the big deal? ATT is offering a new service and they informed you about it. If you don't want to be informed about future offerings, unsubscribe from their mailing list.
Wrongo. Sprint's pricing structure for Sprint Navigation is identical to that off AT&T Navigator.

Sprint Navigator comes for free with the Instinct and Pre, with a $69.99 monthly plan including data, unlimited text and 7PM nights instead of 9PM.

AT&T is garbage. I love my iPhone, but AT&T is absolute garbage.
Why should I subscribe to GPS? I currently have a Garmin and I don't pay a monthly fee.

Say you go on a trip and want a GPS but forget the one you own. For $10 (or even less if just needed for a day) you can have GPS. I think it's a good idea for this reasoning, though AT&T needs to get a more consumer-friendly mechanism for cancelling the service when done.
AT&T is a rip off at every level. Its too bad Sprint sucks and the Pre looks like an egg.
Then don't. What's the big deal? ATT is offering a new service and they informed you about it. If you don't want to be informed about future offerings, unsubscribe from their mailing list.

Because that would make too much sense…;)
Sprint Navigator comes for free with the Instinct and Pre, with a $69.99 monthly plan including data, unlimited text and 7PM nights instead of 9PM.

AT&T is garbage. I love my iPhone, but AT&T is absolute garbage.

Yup, they include it as part of a discounted bundle, they're not just throwing it in. Verizon has the same thing with their premium plans.
AT&T is a rip off at every level. Its too bad Sprint sucks and the Pre looks like an egg.

Sprint doesn't suck. Who did you hear that from that you decided to mimic? Everyone on here says Sprint is terrible when they most likely have never even tried it. I was on Sprint for 2 years before just switching over to AT&T for the 3GS. Never had a single problem with Sprint. Very fast 3G, NO DROPPED CALLS, no problems whatsoever. Their phone selection just isn't very good. Now I switched to AT&T to get the new iPhone, which I STILL DO NOT REGRET, and all of a sudden....dropped calls, internet outages, etc. AT&T is absolutely terrible. Dropped calls in a major city?? Are you kidding?? I can't wait until Apple breaks out into other networks and then AT&T starts to suffer just like Sprint is now. AT&T owes their entire company to Apple. They would be nothing without them. AT&T will sh*t their pants if/when Apple leaves.
I have had all three at one point of time ( no not like that get your mind out of the gutter ) Verizon CS was pretty good AT&T CS so far as I can see so-so depending on who you reach on the phone and Sprint well the jury is still out as far that goes.They are always trying to stay one step ahead of the other that's how business works.
i just use the Maps that comes with the iPhone on the home screen.

Works fine for me if I'm in a jam and cannot figure out how to get some where.
Sprint doesn't suck. Who did you hear that from that you decided to mimic? Everyone on here says Sprint is terrible when they most likely have never even tried it.

As is the case with AT&T it all depends on what part of the country you're in. Northwest Pennsylvania native Sprint coverage is tight to the interstates only. All other coverage is roaming or no service at all. Take a look at the coverage map. They are, hands down, the worst provider available to us. Almost all of southwestern New York is roaming with the only Sprint-native service being exactly on the NY Turnpike and I-86. According to the Sprint terms of service, plan minutes and free mobile-to-mobile calls don't apply to roaming areas. That's almost the entire Sprint service area from I-80 in PA to Buffalo NY. Even northeast Ohio is mostly roaming.

If you want to see what Sprint is like select Plans on their website and put in 16335. They don't even provide plan information yet there is one little corporate storefront here and that's about 800 feet off the I-79 exit. All the page says is "Sprint currently offers wireless service in the 16335 area." If you put in a zip code for Cleveland you get a detailed summary of plan choices and availability. They obviously don't want to advertise that they have service here.

That's why a lot of people are biased against Sprint. You may have had good service where you were but the rest of us barely have any Sprint service.
As is the case with AT&T it all depends on what part of the country you're in. Northwest Pennsylvania native Sprint coverage is tight to the interstates only. All other coverage is roaming or no service at all. Take a look at the coverage map. They are, hands down, the worst provider available to us. Almost all of southwestern New York is roaming with the only Sprint-native service being exactly on the NY Turnpike and I-86. According to the Sprint terms of service, plan minutes and free mobile-to-mobile calls don't apply to roaming areas. That's almost the entire Sprint service area from I-80 in PA to Buffalo NY. Even northeast Ohio is mostly roaming.

If you want to see what Sprint is like select Plans on their website and put in 16335. They don't even provide plan information yet there is one little corporate storefront here and that's about 800 feet off the I-79 exit. All the page says is "Sprint currently offers wireless service in the 16335 area." If you put in a zip code for Cleveland you get a detailed summary of plan choices and availability. They obviously don't want to advertise that they have service here.

That's why a lot of people are biased against Sprint. You may have had good service where you were but the rest of us barely have any Sprint service.

Yes this is true, it really depends on where you are. I do live right by Sprint HQ, so I would think they would have pretty decent coverage in the area. :D
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