As is the case with AT&T it all depends on what part of the country you're in. Northwest Pennsylvania native Sprint coverage is tight to the interstates only. All other coverage is roaming or no service at all. Take a look at the coverage map. They are, hands down, the worst provider available to us. Almost all of southwestern New York is roaming with the only Sprint-native service being exactly on the NY Turnpike and I-86. According to the Sprint terms of service, plan minutes and free mobile-to-mobile calls don't apply to roaming areas. That's almost the entire Sprint service area from I-80 in PA to Buffalo NY. Even northeast Ohio is mostly roaming.
If you want to see what Sprint is like select Plans on their website and put in 16335. They don't even provide plan information yet there is one little corporate storefront here and that's about 800 feet off the I-79 exit. All the page says is "Sprint currently offers wireless service in the 16335 area." If you put in a zip code for Cleveland you get a detailed summary of plan choices and availability. They obviously don't want to advertise that they have service here.
That's why a lot of people are biased against Sprint. You may have had good service where you were but the rest of us barely have any Sprint service.