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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 3, 2009
Iv'e had my 4850 imac since 16th april and its been freezing daily. Should i get a replacement now, or should i wait a week or two so that i don't come across another useless imac.
You should have sent it back on the 17th.

The more replacements requested=the more aware apple is.
Iv'e had my 4850 imac since 16th april and its been freezing daily. Should i get a replacement now, or should i wait a week or two so that i don't come across another useless imac.

Mine arrives in the next few days and if mine is faulty I will call Apple to let them know mine has a problem and get notes added to my order. Then wait a few weeks before calling them again. I don't want to get another faulty system and have to go through the whole process again.
Mine arrives in the next few days and if mine is faulty I will call Apple to let them know mine has a problem and get notes added to my order. Then wait a few weeks before calling them again. I don't want to get another faulty system and have to go through the whole process again.

I find this approach interesting. You'd call to get their attention and add notes to your order but not for a replacement? Or is this one that's coming already a replacement? I'm sort of wondering the same thing as the OP. It's been a few days since the problems started cropping up but I just got mine yesterday. (and it has frozen three times)
Get Apples attention it will add a little more pressure in a resolution, They can add a fault ticket linked to your order and not process the replacement straight away. Getting something logged is the best thing to do when the problem starts so you have a reference point. I would rather a fix just released than pack the thing up wait for collection and re-delivery of a new one.

I have used Apple computers for the last 12 or so years and always give them time to fix things as they always come through eventually. That aside do you really want to do a replacement and get the same fault? There is a lot of people who have requested returns get some feedback from them before moving forward. I would rather have a machine that freezes for the time being than non at all.
Get Apples attention it will add a little more pressure in a resolution, They can add a fault ticket linked to your order and not process the replacement straight away. Getting something logged is the best thing to do when the problem starts so you have a reference point. I would rather a fix just released than pack the thing up wait for collection and re-delivery of a new one.

I have used Apple computers for the last 12 or so years and always give them time to fix things as they always come through eventually. That aside do you really want to do a replacement and get the same fault? There is a lot of people who have requested returns get some feedback from them before moving forward. I would rather have a machine that freezes for the time being than non at all.

Thanks for the explanation. I'm definitely with you on that. I have been reading about the replacements continuing to have the freezing problem, but if I go for a replacement, whether it has a problem depends on either 1) my getting lucky or 2) how widespread the problem actually is.

That said, I've really never dealt with Apple Support before, as our 7 Macs dating back to our IIci (yeah, early early 90s with a 68030 processor) never really had any major problems. I was mostly curious about their process when you call in reporting a problem. So I'm guessing based on what you said that they don't suggest a replacement unless you ask? So they just create a ticket (and lead you through troubleshooting steps) and leave it up to you?

Definitely send it back as soon as possible and let Apple know you believe it is unacceptable to release a product with this type of issue. I find it VERY hard to believe Apple was not aware of this issue given the number of individuals reporting the issue.

I'm surprised this issue is not being reported by the mainstream media given the latest Apple "Time Traveler" PC vs. Mac commercial.

Unless everyone comes down hard on Apple, who pride themselves on building products that "just work", they will simply allow this to happen again with the release of the next product.

When Apple does things right we need to congratulate and applaud them and when they do things wrong we need to call them on it.
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