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macrumors G3
Original poster
Jul 10, 2007
For once and for all, will everyone who's not a developer and has no idea what they're doing, please stop trying to jailbreak their 3G? There are few if any good apps available (yet).

There's Cydia. If you don't know what that is, then all the more reason to stop now.

There's OpenSSH, but no way to turn it off. Wanna see your battery die even faster?

There's NES, but do you know where the ROMs go or how to get them there? Didn't think so.

There is NO Installer yet. There is NO Summerboard. NO Customize. No Chuck Norris themes. No Jonas Brothers SMS alerts.

All you guys are doing is clogging the boards with your incessant help desk questions, which are typically ALL CAPS and URGENT, followed by 300 question marks. It's getting old.

Just stop. Wait a week or two. The good stuff will come. Right now jailbreaking is for the people who make the goodies, so they can make the goodies. You guys are like a bunch of little kids who bust open the doors of a bakery before it opens and gorge on flour before the cookies are made, then complain of stomach aches.

Wait for the friggin cookies!
LOL. Point being, the stuff ain't ready, but people keep diving in.

To be fair, you are dealing with a group of people who weren't satisfied with the amount of new content that came out with 2.0/app store (leaving all personal opinions on what these new features do right and wrong at the door of this argument...) And likely the same people who are cranky that mobileme isn't at 100% yet.

What makes you think that they'd be any more patient with the jailbreak community?
If you look in the Cydia FAQ, the explicitly state the OpenSSH does NOT drain your battery.
For once and for all, will everyone who's not a developer and has no idea what they're doing, please stop trying to jailbreak their 3G? There are few if any good apps available (yet).

There's Cydia. If you don't know what that is, then all the more reason to stop now.

There's OpenSSH, but no way to turn it off. Wanna see your battery die even faster?

There's NES, but do you know where the ROMs go or how to get them there? Didn't think so.

There is NO Installer yet. There is NO Summerboard. NO Customize. No Chuck Norris themes. No Jonas Brothers SMS alerts.

All you guys are doing is clogging the boards with your incessant help desk questions, which are typically ALL CAPS and URGENT, followed by 300 question marks. It's getting old.

Just stop. Wait a week or two. The good stuff will come. Right now jailbreaking is for the people who make the goodies, so they can make the goodies. You guys are like a bunch of little kids who bust open the doors of a bakery before it opens and gorge on flour before the cookies are made, then complain of stomach aches.

Wait for the friggin cookies!

What baffles me is, why do you care?

Really? Internet Serious Business?
For once and for all, will everyone who's not a developer and has no idea what they're doing, please stop trying to jailbreak their 3G? There are few if any good apps available (yet).

Trying? I already have jailbroken my phone. No more trying, it worked on my first trying. ;)

There's Cydia. If you don't know what that is, then all the more reason to stop now.

No worries, I know what it is. ;)

There's OpenSSH, but no way to turn it off. Wanna see your battery die even faster?

You can turn it off in MobileTerminal, but clearly you don't know enough about it to do that, but you seem to think you know enough about it to criticize it. :rolleyes:

There's NES, but do you know where the ROMs go or how to get them there? Didn't think so.

They go in ~/Media/ROMs/NES/ and you get them in there by logging into your iPhone with an SSH client like Cyberduck or Fugu after you install OpenSSH.

There is NO Installer yet. There is NO Summerboard. NO Customize. No Chuck Norris themes. No Jonas Brothers SMS alerts.

I have custom SMS alerts. You don't? :confused:

:D ;)

All you guys are doing is clogging the boards with your incessant help desk questions, which are typically ALL CAPS and URGENT, followed by 300 question marks. It's getting old.

Just stop. Wait a week or two. The good stuff will come. Right now jailbreaking is for the people who make the goodies, so they can make the goodies. You guys are like a bunch of little kids who bust open the doors of a bakery before it opens and gorge on flour before the cookies are made, then complain of stomach aches.

Wait for the friggin cookies!

You're the one clogging up the forum with your pointless rant thread. ;)
You're the one clogging up the forum with your pointless rant thread. ;)

Guess who my "rant" was NOT aimed at?

"..and has no idea what they're doing, please stop trying to jailbreak their 3G?"

Ding! People like you. Missed that part?

As for why I care, I look forward to jailbreaking as much as anyone, when Installer, Summerboard, etc. get ported. I'm not all Mitnicky, just a low level tweaker. I even made a post, in the hopes of keeping tabs on the porting progress, which was promptly buried under umpteen posts by people who had no business jailbreaking to begin with and had nothing to gain from it even if they were successful.

Call me old fashioned, but I come here to read news, rumors, information, help out when I can, (and when it might make a difference) and goof around a bit. I prefer not to wade through 100 posts by people who heard the word jailbreak the day they got their Razr iPhone and are convinced they have to have it, regardless of what it does or doesn't do.
What twisted country do you live in that kids would gorge themselves on flour?

What a great line... kind of reminds me of something you would see in a willy wonka movie.

I think some of people are tired of seeing the same question over and over again in the hacks section of this forum regarding the jail break. Lots of newbies asking the same question and failing to see there is a thread two or three up or down with the same question.
I iz Noob!

Hehe, did that in M$ paint at work ;)


  • jailbreak.jpg
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OP makes good point

I don't entirely disagree with the OP. I'm fairly new, and I'm excited about unlocking and jailbraking, but I'm being patient. I'm going to let people work out the kinks - create the "idiot proof" installers, and roll them out to the masses.

If you CAN answer all of the OP's questions (like that one guy did), then you are obviously not who this message is intended for. We're impressed with your knowledge, now move along.

The hacking community around the iPhone was a big factor in my choosing this device. I expect to have this thing whistling dixie in the next month or so. But I'm patiently waiting until the 3G iphone unlock/jailbrake applications have been developed and tested. Color me patient, but I don't want to mess up my phone too badly.
I love the posts that read something like, " I Jailbroke my iPhone, how do I get it to work again".

Hmm, you did something to the phone you're not supposed to and now it doesn't work right. Go figure.
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