I will be receiving my new Apple TV on Monday. I decided to start my free 1-month Netflix account in anticipation of its integration in Apple TV, and have encountered some issues.
For now I am accessing Netflix on my computer..
I have a DVD que in my account's que, but I fail to see a INSTANT WATCH que. Is there a way to set up a que for instant watch flicks, that way I don't have to look for them every time I want to stream on my Apple TV? I only see a method to add DVD's to que or instantly watch, but no que to add to an Instant Watch que.
My second question is, if I compile an instant watch que (if possible), will this automatically transfer over to Apple TV or will I have to do it all over again there?
For now I am accessing Netflix on my computer..
I have a DVD que in my account's que, but I fail to see a INSTANT WATCH que. Is there a way to set up a que for instant watch flicks, that way I don't have to look for them every time I want to stream on my Apple TV? I only see a method to add DVD's to que or instantly watch, but no que to add to an Instant Watch que.
My second question is, if I compile an instant watch que (if possible), will this automatically transfer over to Apple TV or will I have to do it all over again there?