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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 30, 2007
NSW, Australia.
Hi all,

A while back mackmgg and I created some browser extensions that automatically change your quote posts in the Macrumors Photo of the Day thread to use image thumbnails instead of a text link.
This makes quotes easier to follow and in general enhances interaction in Photo of the Day.

I'm thinking of doing an update to the browser extension which would include the following changes:

  1. Fix bugs, play nicer with flickr.
  2. Restore image maximum width to 1024px (as it used to be). Would you like larger?
  3. Render all quoted Images in POTD that haven't been TIMGd, as TIMGs.
    Basically every quoted image appears TIMGd
  4. Possibility of an iPad version

  • By having (3) if you have the extension enabled you should always see TIMGs.
  • If you don't have the extension, you will see TIMGs from posters who have the extension enabled.

No promises on when this will be done, but I think it'd be valuable to get a general sense of people's thoughts in relation to how they like to browse the Photo of the Day thread.

All feedback, comments, thoughts and ramblings would be much appreciated. :)
Sounds like a good idea. With ImageShack dropping free posting and the changes in Flickr, I have updates to get around to myself.


EDIT: Can you squeeze 1024 past the MR servers? I thought they resized to the ~756px width we have now.
That all sounds good, Reef. I'm confused though, which doesn't take much these days! I thought posting 1024px was part of the forum set-up and that it is point blank limited to 800px wide, as deemed by the forum gods and hierarchy. :confused:
Sounds like a good idea. With ImageShack dropping free posting and the changes in Flickr, I have updates to get around to myself.


EDIT: Can you squeeze 1024 past the MR servers? I thought they resized to the ~756px width we have now.

Yeah with these ImageShack changes it seems like a good time to do some updates with these things.

Yes this is possible, the server sends a max-width of 756px to your browser but you can override it once it's in your browser.
The css attribute max-width on the img selector can be increased, with the Safari Web Inspector you can adjust it yourself (this will reset when you refresh the page). Right click on an image > Inspect Element > adjust the max-width attribute in the right hand panel. Developer mode can be enabled in Safari Preferences > Advanced > "Show Develop menu in menu bar".

This is basically what the browser extension does for you.
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I never had much luck with the Chrome extension. I'm now using Safari, and I don't know if there is an extension that works for it. At any rate, the TIMG problem really took the wind out of my sails with this forum. It takes a lot of time to comment properly when changing the HTML is necessary, and it's not as much fun looking at a bunch of links instead of thumbnails when people comment. So yes, anything you can do to help would make this forum more enjoyable. Thanks for stepping up, Reef. You da man! :)
I would like to see everyone quoting with thumbnails and anything that can be done to make that easier would be great. It can be tricky and does take time to change the code yourself.

I'm using the Safari extension with no problems and would love to be able to use an extension for iOS Safari if that can be done. I do most of my browsing on an iPad.

- and -

Without doubt, larger image display size would be great if that's at all possible. All the arguments for larger are clear and have been made before but like Alex, I'm confused that we would have any control over that...I'll just go with it.

Your efforts are much appreciated Reef. :)

I've been using the Safari extension since you first brought it out and it's brilliant! I still prefer to use the manual one as it's no bother. Hope this new thread will call attention to it as there seem to be a lot more text links now than, say, a year ago and this really cuts into the enjoyment of using the POTD thread.

ImageShack are still going to host the photos that have been uploaded using the free service so I don't think there's a problem there. And yes, the 1024px size was nice. Photos that look nice before they're uploaded can look a bit "meh" when cut down to 800px.

You're a star just for considering this!!
thanks the Reef. I miss how much I miss the extension when I'm using the computer at work (W7/FF). Keep up the good work.
I never had much luck with the Chrome extension. I'm now using Safari, and I don't know if there is an extension that works for it. At any rate, the TIMG problem really took the wind out of my sails with this forum. It takes a lot of time to comment properly when changing the HTML is necessary, and it's not as much fun looking at a bunch of links instead of thumbnails when people comment. So yes, anything you can do to help would make this forum more enjoyable. Thanks for stepping up, Reef. You da man! :)

There are clickable links to two working Safari extensions in the Resizing Thumbnails document in the link in my sig. I do agree that more people should take advantage of the work that Reef and others have put into making posting and quoting as painless as possible.

I really appreciate your efforts and use your Safari extension when I can. It's a simple, small button sitting in my browser and really helps when viewing the threads. I think it would be really cool to use while reading the judging feedback for the weekly contests too.
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