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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 11, 2006
Hi, I have a motto that I need to align right. The motto is in quotes, and it is only one sentence, but it takes up three lines, because there is not much room. I need to use hanging punctuation to get the right quotation mark to stick out from the rest of the text. I don't have InDesign cs2, so I can't use the "last line right indent" thing in the paragraph palette. I have cs1. Is there a way to cheat in InDesign CS1 and do a tab or something to get a last line right indent? I've tried to do that and the quote gets shifted to the next line, or the entire last line goes to the next line. Argh.
Also, is it typographically correct to use hanging punctuation for a motto's quotes? I know it's the right thing to do in pull quotes, but not sure about mottos.

Thanks for any advice.
When I said freaks, I meant that in a nice way!:)

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