I import my .avi files from iFlicks to iTunes. It is working fine. BUT...
...ATV 2 is not recognizing these files. WHY? Any special config?
iTunes accepts mp4, mov, and m4v files. You have to convert .avi files to one of the these formats before adding them to your iTunes library. Use a video conversion program such as Handbrake to convert your .avi files.
It's all fine/working when importing avi files to iTunes by iFlicks. It keeps in my library and works well in iTunes.
BUT...it doesnt play in my ATV 2. The screen keeps black and the sound is weird. OR...ATV 2 doesnt recognize it.
Is there any special config (iFlicks or iTunes) to watch them in ATV 2? Could anyone print the screen of iFlicks configs?
I've never had other AT before.
I believe your .mov files still use xvid/divx as the codec. iTunes can play them because of Perian, but ATV can't. You have to convert them to h264 with Handbrake. Maybe another preset in iFlicks works too...
Converting mkv file to mp4 file using handbreak and later using iFlicks to iTunes worked! Great!
BUT...how can I add the subtitle (.srt) to mp4 file in handbreake? Is it possible?
HB does this fine in the subtitles tab. But there are issues pertaining to subtitles/ resolution/atv that you may want to check out. See:
It's a flakey situation at best at present waiting for an update from apple to resolve.
How HB create just one file with subtitle when I have .avi/.mkv and .srt? Could you copy here the screenshot of HB setup?
Thank you!
Wish I could but I'm on the iPad at the moment sitting in my car.
In HB, you have the subtitle tab next to audio and video etc, roughly in the middle of the app, below centre.
If you go into the subtitle tab, you'll see a button for 'add external srt' and that's where you select the srt file you have on your hard drive. Then you have the options of burning them in or soft subtitles etc. Burning seems to be the easiest, but it means subtitles all the time. Soft subs are where they come on only as needed. ( I think that's labeled forced).
I haven't done to many with subs....like many I did a lot of ripping of DVDs before I actually realized what I was doing.
If I get back home before someone else adds to this thread, I'll chuck a screen
shot on for you, and perhaps someone more experienced can elaborate further
on how to choose what for subtitles and when. Sorry I can't help
I believe your .mov files still use xvid/divx as the codec. iTunes can play them because of Perian, but ATV can't. You have to convert them to h264 with Handbrake. Maybe another preset in iFlicks works too...
About the subtitles. The strange thing is that if I convert my movie to MP4 with handbrake, insert the subtitles and put it in iTunes, I can see the subtitles on my iPad. The only problem is than that you don't have the correct cover of the movie in iTunes.
If I use iFlicks, before I put it in iTunes, the subtitles are gone in iTunes. Iflicks is very nice to have the correct cover in iTunes.
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I don't have an ATV2, but it maybe setup just like the original ATV. It uses square covers (600x600) for TV shows and rectangle (400x600) for movies.
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I don't use iFlicks, but you can add or change artwork in iTunes (or MetaX, which I use). A good place to get 600x600 artwork is www.getvideoartwork.com (when it's up of course)