Last year I bought a ReadyNAS to back up photos and iTunes etc and to run a Logitech Squeezebox Boom in my kitchen.
The ReadyNAS runs an iTunes server for the Squeezebox but I am now looking for something similar for my living room. I currently only have an MBA and an old sony Vaio laptop which it replaced.
I like the idea of the Apple TV (half the price of a Squeezebox Touch/Duet) but a bit of searching on this forum suggests you can't run ATV off the iTunes server running on ReadyNAS (firefly I think).
I do have a Sony BluRay player which can play music from the NAS but only if the tracks are in MP3 format and in any case I have found it rather a clunky interface. Running iTunes directly would be better I suspect.
So.. do I cut my losses and find a way of consolidating towards an Apple TV or just make the best of what I have?
The ReadyNAS runs an iTunes server for the Squeezebox but I am now looking for something similar for my living room. I currently only have an MBA and an old sony Vaio laptop which it replaced.
I like the idea of the Apple TV (half the price of a Squeezebox Touch/Duet) but a bit of searching on this forum suggests you can't run ATV off the iTunes server running on ReadyNAS (firefly I think).
I do have a Sony BluRay player which can play music from the NAS but only if the tracks are in MP3 format and in any case I have found it rather a clunky interface. Running iTunes directly would be better I suspect.
So.. do I cut my losses and find a way of consolidating towards an Apple TV or just make the best of what I have?