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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Mar 21, 2011
Newcastle, UK
Last year I bought a ReadyNAS to back up photos and iTunes etc and to run a Logitech Squeezebox Boom in my kitchen.

The ReadyNAS runs an iTunes server for the Squeezebox but I am now looking for something similar for my living room. I currently only have an MBA and an old sony Vaio laptop which it replaced.

I like the idea of the Apple TV (half the price of a Squeezebox Touch/Duet) but a bit of searching on this forum suggests you can't run ATV off the iTunes server running on ReadyNAS (firefly I think).

I do have a Sony BluRay player which can play music from the NAS but only if the tracks are in MP3 format and in any case I have found it rather a clunky interface. Running iTunes directly would be better I suspect.

So.. do I cut my losses and find a way of consolidating towards an Apple TV or just make the best of what I have?
Hmm. I don't have any experience with ReadyNAS specifically, but I do have a Synology. It does iTunes server emulation too. My ATV2 was able to connect to this and play media off of it (non-DRM media). It won't work with purchased items because that requires the 'real' iTunes program. Your ReadyNAS might use the same method.

You could always buy one and try it. And if it doesn't work, just return it. Apple doesn't have restocking fees anymore for anything.
cheers that's good to know - most of my music is my own anyway, so may be worth a try.

can't use it for TV streaming though unless I find a way to free up an HDMI socket on my TV
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