My ATV is just about dead and I'd like to move its 802.11n card over to my retired GMA950 Mini. I'm pretty sure they're the same form factor, but the need for dual antennas on the n card concerns me. Any suggestions on the transplant?
Does anyone know if there are any 12V lines in the Apple TV? My 80mm fan doesn't spin so well off of the 5V line.
Hey Cave Man,
Even though my PS said 5V output, I still probed everywhere I could for a 12V and I couldnt find anything...sorry man! Has anyone tried to make a better heatsink in between?
I have a load of old laptop parts...heatsinks included, I will see if I can rig something up.
Does anyone know if there are any 12V lines in the Apple TV? My 80mm fan doesn't spin so well off of the 5V line.
This is clearly a heat issue. I ran the ATV upside down with the bottom off for a week and it was perfectly fine. I put the bottom back on (still upside down) and the sparkles, sprites and freezes returned, even with the Airport card removed.
I did have some advice from another poster here to take the bottom off my ATV but my courage failed me and I simply put it upside down to see if that made any difference. The answer is 'a bit' - the screen glitches got less but were still there. Now, having read this thread, I'll take the bottom off the unit and see if that cures the issue.