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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 30, 2009
Considering purchasing an ATV (would go Mini but not in the budget right now). Looking for some input from anyone with experience with the following components:

* RCA 52" HDTV with 480 and 1080i capability, but it does not display 720 at all.

* Onkyo TX-SR606 with 4 HDMI inputs/1 Out and 1080i upscaling.

Reason for pause:

I recently purchased a Blu-Ray player and could not get it to display running HDMI through the Onkyo, yet have DirecTV and an LG DVD/VCR player running HDMI through the Onlyo. The RCA has only one Component (used by Blu-Ray) and one DVI/HDMI input (used by Onkyo) input. It also has an S-Video and Composite input that are not currently used. If I can't run HDMI through the Onkyo, I would have to use S-Video or composite inputs to the TV which would degrade video quality.

Anyone had experience with these components?
Considering purchasing an ATV (would go Mini but not in the budget right now). Looking for some input from anyone with experience with the following components:

* RCA 52" HDTV with 480 and 1080i capability, but it does not display 720 at all.

* Onkyo TX-SR606 with 4 HDMI inputs/1 Out and 1080i upscaling.

Reason for pause:

I recently purchased a Blu-Ray player and could not get it to display running HDMI through the Onkyo, yet have DirecTV and an LG DVD/VCR player running HDMI through the Onlyo. The RCA has only one Component (used by Blu-Ray) and one DVI/HDMI input (used by Onkyo) input. It also has an S-Video and Composite input that are not currently used. If I can't run HDMI through the Onkyo, I would have to use S-Video or composite inputs to the TV which would degrade video quality.

Anyone had experience with these components?

Not with those components specifically, but I do have an ATV hooked up to my Denon A/V receiver. It plays just fine with it.
I also run my AppleTV through a Denon receiver via HDMI with no problems.

My first bit of advice would be to figure out why you can't get your Blu-ray player to work running HDMI through the receiver. The best place to research something like that (IMO) would be AVS Forum. I would suggest starting in the Onkyo 606 Owners' thread:

Unless there is something very squirrelly about your Blu-ray player, it should work running HDMI through the 606.
It seems pretty strange that your TV won't accept a 720P source, but no matter. Just set the Apple TV to convert the output to 1080i (or perhaps even 1080p) and it should work just fine through the Onkyo to the TV.

I have a similar Onkyo (TX-SR607). It works great with my Samsung HDTV and the Apple TV set to a variety of output resolutions.
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