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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 14, 2008
Is it possible to setup a ATV without a TV? Can I set it up and rename it without ever hooking up to a display (a la airport utility or through iTunes?)

I'm looking to use it as an airport express - to stream audio via the optical port.

At the same price point I'm wondering why purchase another airport express (unless I wanted the USB port or to extend a wireless network). Why not just use an ATV.

The hurdle I'm wondering about is the setup.

Can anyone shed some light on the setup?



You're going to need a tv to set it up. Don't think there's a way around that.

But you can use it as an airplay speaker controlled from iTunes on your computer. (don't need a tv for that.)
Just hook it up to a tv to set it up, then move it to where ever you want it. as already mentioned, you can use it as a speaker in iTunes 10.1.
I was thinking of a similar set-up replacing my express hooked up to my amp (in a room with no TV). My expectation is that the occasional drop-outs I get with the AX would not occur with the ATV given its internal memory, which I presume provides better buffering - make sense or am I hoping for too much?

My plan is to hook it up to the TV for set up, then control it via the iPhone/iPad remote app.
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