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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 9, 2006
Anyone using the original interface on the Gen1 :apple:tv?
Was thinking of installing it as I read it could be configured for 4:3 tv's. But I wonder a few things:
Can you sort your movies by genres or was that a take 2.0 feature?
Can it cope with subtitles put in a m4v file?
Does it display trailers as an option above your own movies or are there no trailers at all?
Anyone using the original interface on the Gen1 :apple:tv?
Was thinking of installing it as I read it could be configured for 4:3 tv's.

No need the latest atv software for the atv 1 has the same 4:3 capabilities as the early renditions. The rest of the questions become a moot point. ;) In fact I know because I run a stock atv 1 up at the cabin with a Sony Wega 36" which is 4:3 old school crt.

works just fine with 3.02 or whatever was the last official release plus allows ac3 passthru and subs and chapters.
yeah, but doesn't the image get squished, or could you do some trick to actually get 4:3 aspect on the interface?
yeah, but doesn't the image get squished, or could you do some trick to actually get 4:3 aspect on the interface?
Well, as long as the mode on the crt is set properly no it works just fine. That said your crt may not have the correct mode. That said there is nothing different between the atv 1.0.XXX software and the 2+ software in terms of composite output. I could be wrong but I used a stock atv from 1.0 up through the latest and they all performed the same in my use case.
yeah, I suppose it depends on wheather the tv squishes the ATV screen or not. But mine does, so I thought I could enable a 4:3 resolution with some DVI adapter trick I read about, I think it might look best with the 1.0/1.1 interface.

Can you remember if the 1.0/1.1 software handled subtitles and genre sorting?
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