So disappointed in what apears to be a bug or a problem with ATV2. As many I have seen on other discussion groups etc, seem to be having a problem with using ATV2 with their Homesharing with iTunes. Seems to be no real solution out there whatsoever. Mien work for first two days out of box and hasn't work in last 2 weeks ever. Always tells me to make sure home sharing is on in iTunes.
iTunes 10.0.1 (what ever the number is that is most current)
Never hit done when enabling Homeshare(iTunes bug)
Restored ATV2 back to factory settings.
Turned off firewall on pc/anti virus off.
Nothing seems to work, rebooting, restarting. Nothing.
Funny thing is my iPad sees the libaray every single time, no matter what. I use Remote and and go into my libaray every single time. Makes no sense whatsoever.
iTunes 10.0.1 (what ever the number is that is most current)
Never hit done when enabling Homeshare(iTunes bug)
Restored ATV2 back to factory settings.
Turned off firewall on pc/anti virus off.
Nothing seems to work, rebooting, restarting. Nothing.
Funny thing is my iPad sees the libaray every single time, no matter what. I use Remote and and go into my libaray every single time. Makes no sense whatsoever.