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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 23, 2006
Hello all..

I haven't updated anything from my atv2..

Problem is that I have 2 atv2's that seem to be bricked for no for seen reason..

I lost my atv2 remotes so I use my atv1 remote and it seemed to work fine for a long time...

Now on either atv2 I can't get the remote to command the menu screen to get to xbmc...

Anyone else come across this problem?

I can't even get it to go into dfu mode from the menu screen...The weird thing is that the small light on the device blinks every time I give a command from the remote but nothing happens...

What could I be doing wrong? or did I brick my atv's?
Is there some kind of default reset I can scale the device back?


yes they were jailbroken with greenposion...
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You really CAN'T brick an ATV2.. Just do a restore via iTunes / DFU mode.

Does that take away from the JB?

meaning will it upgrade to the new iOS?

and how do I restore via itunes/dfu mode?
Ok all although I'm sure it's not bricked

I'm having issues again

I just took my atv2 that is jb with green poison a from upstairs to downstairs and now I'm just getting a black screen

Not sure what caused this

How do I do a restore via iTunes/ dfu mode?
Sorry for the noob questions any help would be greatly appr'd

Would I compromise the jb?
Perhaps a resolution difference between the upstairs & downstairs sceens? Or does it give you a black screen upstairs as well?

Before you try to restore it, have you done a reset with the remote?:

This will NOT affect the jailbreak.
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