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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 6, 2010
Longtime lurker, first-time poster.

When my new ATV2 has not been played for a while and presumably goes to 'sleep' mode it won't wake when I press the remote. This happens when both my ATV2 and my Mac are both asleep. Once I wake the Mac, then I'm able to wake the ATV2. Any ideas?

FYI I'm using a Time Capsule as my router and I have enabled "wake for network access" in the System Preferences Energy Saver panel.

Any help would be much appreciated!
sorry I cant be any help but I have had similar problems and will be interested to see if this is a common fault..
I'm having a bit of trouble along these lines too. To wake the Apple TV i need to:

[1] turn TV on
[2] select the HDMI input to which the ATV2 is connected (if not already selected).
[3] THEN press any key on the remote - the ATV2 will wake up and boot up in around 3-4 seconds

Is this a common experience for other uses, or is this some "feature" we are uniquely experiencing?

I'm having a bit of trouble along these lines too. To wake the Apple TV i need to:

[1] turn TV on
[2] select the HDMI input to which the ATV2 is connected (if not already selected).
[3] THEN press any key on the remote - the ATV2 will wake up and boot up in around 3-4 seconds

Is this a common experience for other uses, or is this some "feature" we are uniquely experiencing?


That is the same way I wake the Apple TV and several other electronics and have not had any problems. I guess it may be set up to recognize when the TV is connected before it powers up.
Just got off the phone with AppleCare. Apparently in the iTunes preferences I needed to check "share my library on my local network." So far (fingers crossed) it seems to be working.
Just got off the phone with AppleCare. Apparently in the iTunes preferences I needed to check "share my library on my local network." So far (fingers crossed) it seems to be working.

I don't have my Apple TV yet, but I would've assumed that you need to have this checked. Does the Apple TV stream from your iTunes library with the "share my library on my local network" unchecked?
The easiest thing to do is setup home sharing in iTunes. I actually had to turn it off and then on again after I got the atv to get it to find the library. Once the library has been discovered it works fine. Incidentally the atv will wake my sleeping iMac using wake for network access when I select it under computers.

My atv will wake from the supplied remote without my amp or tv being on. It is connected to my AVR via HDMI.
Hey guys,

I have my Apple TV set to go to sleep after 30mins, after it goes to sleep the light indicator on the front goes off, but after a few minutes it comes back on for some reason and keeps going off and back on ?
Mine will only wake with the silver remote, not with the remote app. I have home sharing set, wake on network access on my Mac set, and my library is set to shared. Anyone else have this?
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