After countless hours of google searches and more hours trying every thing I can think of, I have FINALLY found a solution on my own! I was shocked to find out this works, but it does and this is a bit tedious but its worth it!
For each season I assume you already have the season's/episodes marked correctly in iTunes (which is the baffle as to why it doesn't sort correctly.) If that is done, then just do the following and AppleTV will have everything sorted in the RIGHT order.
I will use the example of Seinfeld, Season 1. Go ahead and highlight the entire season and do get-info. Since this is the first season change the Disc Number to 1 of 2 (all other seasons will be 2 of 2 for season 2, or 6 of 6 for season 6, but for the first season in order for them to be named correctly in finder it HAS to be 1 of 2.)
After that you can hit OK to close out/save changes. Now go to the first episode, go back into get info and change the track number to 1, 2 for the 2nd episode and so on. Make sure to start back at 1 for the 2nd season, 3rd season, etc. I know this is tedious (I had 754 TV shows I had to do this for.) Once you are done doing all that quit/restart itunes and go check out your AppleTV and everything should be named correctly.
PM me with any questions you have, I am so thrilled to have a solution and want to help anyone looking for one! I included some pictures to help everyone out, because this ANNOYED me to death and so glad to have a solution!
Here is a breakdown of the screen captures (upper left to bottom right)
1 - This is just a listing of how your shows should already look in iTunes with the season/episode number, if not like this please correct before moving on.
2 - Get info on the first episode of the first season, and notice the track number is 1 and the disc number is 1 of 2 (ONLY for the first season).
3 - Get info on the second episode of the first season, track number is 2, and disc number is still 2 of 2.
4 - Get info on the first episode of the second season. Track number resets back to 1 and now the disc number is 2 of 2 to indicate second season.
5 - If you pull up finder > itunes > tv shows > seinfeld (or whatever season you are doing) you should see the file names listed out like this. Should list out like season number-episode number - episode title. Please let me know if you have any questions or this does not work for you. Thanks!
For each season I assume you already have the season's/episodes marked correctly in iTunes (which is the baffle as to why it doesn't sort correctly.) If that is done, then just do the following and AppleTV will have everything sorted in the RIGHT order.
I will use the example of Seinfeld, Season 1. Go ahead and highlight the entire season and do get-info. Since this is the first season change the Disc Number to 1 of 2 (all other seasons will be 2 of 2 for season 2, or 6 of 6 for season 6, but for the first season in order for them to be named correctly in finder it HAS to be 1 of 2.)
After that you can hit OK to close out/save changes. Now go to the first episode, go back into get info and change the track number to 1, 2 for the 2nd episode and so on. Make sure to start back at 1 for the 2nd season, 3rd season, etc. I know this is tedious (I had 754 TV shows I had to do this for.) Once you are done doing all that quit/restart itunes and go check out your AppleTV and everything should be named correctly.
PM me with any questions you have, I am so thrilled to have a solution and want to help anyone looking for one! I included some pictures to help everyone out, because this ANNOYED me to death and so glad to have a solution!
Here is a breakdown of the screen captures (upper left to bottom right)
1 - This is just a listing of how your shows should already look in iTunes with the season/episode number, if not like this please correct before moving on.
2 - Get info on the first episode of the first season, and notice the track number is 1 and the disc number is 1 of 2 (ONLY for the first season).
3 - Get info on the second episode of the first season, track number is 2, and disc number is still 2 of 2.
4 - Get info on the first episode of the second season. Track number resets back to 1 and now the disc number is 2 of 2 to indicate second season.
5 - If you pull up finder > itunes > tv shows > seinfeld (or whatever season you are doing) you should see the file names listed out like this. Should list out like season number-episode number - episode title. Please let me know if you have any questions or this does not work for you. Thanks!