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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 12, 2008
I just downloaded The Kingdom in HD, and the audio is all messed up! It is using my mains as the center channel so everything has an echo and I can't even understand the dialog. I remember reading that someone else had this same problem with Superbad. Is there any way to fix this, or was the audio just screwed up when this was encoded? Can I get my money back from Apple? I had to stop the movie about 5 minutes in because I could barely understand a word that was being said.
I rented the Kingdom last night as well and found the exact same issue! I rented No Reservations in SD a few days before and I don't remember it having any issues like this, so maybe it is a per-movie problem? Anyone else having this type of problem on other movies? What about movies they own and have converted with 5.1?

Would love to see people's responses....
I reported the problem through iTunes, I recommend you do the same. I really hope this isn't an ongoing issue with rentals, that would be very disappointing. I rented Resident Evil: Extinction last week and that sounded great, so it is definitely a per release issue.
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