audio CD mounting problem doesn't require a clean install
Since updating to 10.3 and then 10.3.2, I was unable to mount audio CD's. However, the problem appears to be user-bound, as logging in as someone else I was able to mount the CD.
Hence, the problem must be in one of my personal preferences, not the entire system. Although I haven't narrowed the problem down to a single prefs file, trashing all your prefs certainly is a lot less work than clean-installing your system... Right now I inserted the CD while logged in as one user, waited for it to mount, did the quick switch back to my own account, and the CD remained mounted. Don't know it this will last, but it's a temporary solution at least.
hope this helps someone else. I followed up some of the tips in the forums, such as trashing certain cache files, rebooting, even using panther cache cleaner's deep cleansing, but to no avail...