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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 1, 2004
Pennsylvania hinterlands
I began experimenting with Audio Recorder 1.4 today in order to send voice emails. I even archived the file to get a compressed zip to send. However it came bouncing back to me with an error message that read only 3MBs were "allowed" by this server. It stated the file was 4.4MBs when the desktop image says it is 3.2. Oh yes, it was an MP3 file.
What server is being refered to in the error message? I was on the verge of plunking down bucks for Quick Voice X after I played with the free stuff for a while but what's the point if 3MB is all I'm "allowed"?
Any ideas out there?

well, i am not sure of the reason, but mail servers add "overhead" onto any file you send through them. a 3mb limit means closer to 2mb on your mac.

but, you could host your mp3s on the web, and just provide a link to the sound file in the email. this would let you use as long of a message as you can host.
well, your isp prolly provides you with some online space. you will need to look around your isp's website for instructions, as each isp is different. look for online webspace help.

but, basically, you will have to use an ftp client to connect to your isp's servers. you would copy your mp3 to your isp's server, and then in your email you would send a link for someone to download the mp3. the link would be something like this:
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