So I got an ATV a few weeks ago and have been happily ripping and encoding my DVDs using Handbrake. I've had a few problems here and there, but generally everything is going well. The one problem I have not been able to fix is related to the movie Mongol. Mongol has english subtitles, but only Mongolian audio. So, I encoded it with subtitles and it plays in iTunes, but will not copy to ATV. I tried encoding with a number of different presets with no luck and have finally come down to the audio. Could ATV not accept it because it only has Mongolian audio streams (I mean actually labeled Mongolian)?
Frankly, I enjoyed Mongol (mainly for the cinematography) and own the DVD and would like to have it on the ATV, but I really wouldn't miss having on ATV that much, it's more just a matter of principal at this point. Anybody else have a similar problem before? Am I on the right track?
Frankly, I enjoyed Mongol (mainly for the cinematography) and own the DVD and would like to have it on the ATV, but I really wouldn't miss having on ATV that much, it's more just a matter of principal at this point. Anybody else have a similar problem before? Am I on the right track?