Golf Ball Finder AR (GBF-AR) Augmented Reality - On Sale now for .99
#1 in Sports Category! (Ireland) - The Home of Golf! Thanks!!!
Never lose your ball again. Our advanced Augmented Reality application finds golf balls in the rough, tall grass, woods, desert, hidden in branches, under leaves, and in virtually any other terrain or hazard.
Simply point your iPhone in the direction you think your ball might be, walk slowly and scan back and forth. When even a fraction of a golf ball (about 3 dimples) appears on the screen it is immediately highlighted with a red target box and the iPhone (optionally) vibrates.
Finds golf balls from as much as 50 feet away through the woods!
* Finds lost golf balls - use iPhone video to scan any terrain for lost golf balls
* Automatically vibrates when ball is found so you can still watch where you are stepping
* Red target box drawn in realtime over live video on your iPhone indicating the exact location of your lost ball
* Vibration and sensitivity can be adjusted with on-screen controls
* Easily pays for itself in found balls
* Timer (optional in settings) lets you know how long you've been searching... remember, the rules say only 5 minutes allowed during play!
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