OK so I talked to Goldman Sachs again through Business chat and we got to an answer....sort of.
Long story short the hold is no longer on there, my metrics just say it is. To confirm this I went through every single transaction since I opened the card with my trusty TI-84 Plus CE. To my surprise all the categories are off....way off sometimes. The balances however for the card are correct.
So for example it may say that I spend X in entertainment for a given week or month when in reality I've spent more than that. Why? It turns out more than just this authorization hold are listed on my iPhone as pending when in reality they aren't. The same goes for payments. I have payments made a month ago that are listed as pending when in reality they aren't. The balances confirm that.
So basically it's an error in how the card information and transactions are categorized and displayed. Which effectively means that if I didn't keep my own checkbook\ledger I never would have known and it also means that the breakdowns, as of right now, can't be trusted. One thing I noticed is that every payment that is listed as pending(when in reality it's not) is missing from the total of payments made that week\month by a factor of exactly two.
So transactions totals and status incorrect. Balances correct in pretty much real time.....yea...
I would ask anyone here with an Apple Card to check and see for themselves how many of their payments and transactions, for weeks\months ago, are still showing as pending on the iPhone.