All the posts i could find regarding this is related to TabBar controller based App.
All posts talk about overriding shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:
Though in the following case it won't apply
Scenario :
i have 2 components , one a UIScrollView and 2nd a UITabBar
After initing these 2 components i add it to UIWindow
I set a notification to listen for Orientation changes...
Say for eg: a LandscapeRight orientation happens...
i set bounds for UIScrollView component to set it to landscapemode...
But how about UITabBar component...
How do i make it to display in landscape mode
All the posts i could find regarding this is related to TabBar controller based App.
All posts talk about overriding shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:
Though in the following case it won't apply
Scenario :
i have 2 components , one a UIScrollView and 2nd a UITabBar
After initing these 2 components i add it to UIWindow
I set a notification to listen for Orientation changes...
Say for eg: a LandscapeRight orientation happens...
i set bounds for UIScrollView component to set it to landscapemode...
But how about UITabBar component...
How do i make it to display in landscape mode