Hi there - first post from someone relatively new to AppleScript, just getting my head around Automator and wondered if there's a way of setting up a folder action which takes the newly-added files and gets the filename (not necessarily the full filename with extension) and adds it as a line of text (along with a date stamp) to a text document.
I've got an Automator application called 'Get filename' but no idea how to turn that into a variable or put that variable into AppleScript format.
Would anyone be able to help me devise a workflow to do this?
I should explain why this would be useful: I'd like to have a record of when files were originally added to a folder so that if I later edit them I at least know what date particular files were first added.
I've got an Automator application called 'Get filename' but no idea how to turn that into a variable or put that variable into AppleScript format.
Would anyone be able to help me devise a workflow to do this?
I should explain why this would be useful: I'd like to have a record of when files were originally added to a folder so that if I later edit them I at least know what date particular files were first added.